New Order Placement Tools in 2.26

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Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:46 am

Re: New Order Placement Tools in 2.26

Post by gezza » Wed Feb 08, 2017 6:53 am

Thanks Todd
Nice lines. You probably realise that pitchforks would have given you confirmation of those points in advance?
I'd show a picture of the points I mean but cannot seem to paste into this like you managed to do (sorry I'm new to this)?
Basically you would have had the aqua lines before waiting for the pivots needed to draw the red lines.

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Re: New Order Placement Tools in 2.26

Post by abacaba » Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:13 pm

Hi Gezza,

Excellent observation. No, I hadn't considered pitchforks, but you are right, the standard Andrews does pretty well here. The pitchfork is a good tool, but it is based on symmetries of the triangle that, at least for me, can lead to more ambiguities with placement and interpretation than an approach derived from x,y and the diagonal.

It's easy to add charts to posts. Click on the Attachments tab right below "save draft", etc., and drag and drop the chart file into the body of the message box, then choose "place inline."

Happy trading!


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