Cagliostro Book?

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Would you be interested in a Cagliostro book?

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Cagliostro Book?

Post by earik » Fri Jul 08, 2016 5:39 pm

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to run an idea past you all. Back around the 1700's, there was a very famous numerologist who lived in France named Cagliostro. He was known for being able to forecast winning lottery numbers in the Paris lottery. Back then, you'd win something with just one number correct. So he'd figure out his number and would show up and win every time. He's also give the numbers to people he'd meet at parties, and they'd win too. He became very famous because of all this, and there are all sorts of crazy stories about him.

Anyway, the inquisition eventually got a hold of him, and as they were searching him to put him in the cell, they took a lot of items off of him. One of these items was a book. The guard there spotted it on the table, and thinking it might have some value, stole it when no one was looking. When he got home, he was surprised to find that he couldn't understand anything in there, as it was all written in a Arabic. He brought the book to a translator he knew, and it turned out to be a manual for how to use numerology to forecast the lottery. One thing lead to another, and in the 1800's a run of these books was printed.

Fast forward to the early 2000's, and guess who happened to spot one of these for sale in a rare book auction? :D So I paid a couple thousand for the book, which was so old that the pages all were falling apart at the edges. I had to have a guy build me a special box just so I could store the thing safely. It was written in Old French, so I went over to the Unversity of Colorado and found a native French speaker who had come over on an exchange program to teach French, and I hired that guy to translate the book for me.

Modern lotteries don't work on the same principles that the older ones did, and now they do huge prizes for all numbers correct, but don't reward the ones and twos, like they did in Paris. So it's not something that you could use for the lottery successfully, but it's still a really interesting work for students of numerology and kabbalah. There are lots of techniques involving number pyramids, where you resolve everything down to a few solutions at the bottom, and Caglistro uses planetary tables and associations, and all kinds of cool stuff. He has tables in there with the complete results of the Paris lottery, and he goes and backtests all his systems on those numbers to prove they worked. It's interesting stuff, and it's valuable to students of esoteric subjects because there are just no copies available of anything done by Caglistro. The guy is a practically a myth at this point.

Ok, long story! So what I'm trying to figure out is if there's enough demand to go through the whole process of turning this into a book or not, or is it just too far off the wall to be of interest. Publishing this is going to take some time and energy, and I have to pay the printer, buy a minimum number of copies, etc, etc. If I set the price to $50-$100 each, it will probably take 40-50 of them just to break even on the whole project, and given the very esoteric topic here (especially since it's not directly useful for trading), there's a good chance that I just end up with a pile of Caglistro's books taking up space in the corner of the garage.

So the question is, for $50-$100, would you be interested in a book like this? Or should I just leave this as a cool antique with an interesting story? I've set it up as a poll, so if you've got a feeling one way or the other, please choose an option (above).



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Re: Cagliostro Book?

Post by NDscorpini » Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:14 am

Hi Earik,
So is 40 the minimum you need to do this project? Or could you get by with 30? Thanks
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Re: Cagliostro Book?

Post by earik » Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:55 pm

Hi ND,

I don't know the exact number yet. I was just trying to get a ballpark feeling for how much interest there was. I'm thinking what I might do is get the numbers to be more exact, then put it up at Kickstarter or somewhere like that. Then the project will either fund itself or not. The problem with trying to self-publish inexpensive books is that it can take forever to break even on them, and although I know I'd be the first to buy a book like this, I have a hard time gauging how large the demand really is for non-trading esoteric material...



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Re: Cagliostro Book?

Post by dirk » Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:43 am

Hi Erik , when is ready i'll buy ....

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Re: Cagliostro Book?

Post by earik » Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:49 pm

Hi Everyone,

As I mentioned previously, I've decided to try and bring this project to life through Kickstarter. Here's the link: ... tery-numbe

Unfortunately, I've had to bump the price up from my initial estimates, as I overestimated demand for this initially. There aren't enough numerology fans here to pull it off at super affordable prices. But that doesn't mean we have to kill the project. At $250 per copy, only 20 people need to sign up for it, and I won't have to cut corners on quality.

The Kickstarter campaign will run for 30 days, so we'll see if it can meet the funding targets. If we can get more than 20 people, then maybe there's a chance I can include some information from the "dreams" section of the book, which right now is still untranslated. We'll see. Maybe we'll get lucky and some non-W59 numerology fans will find this and support the project.



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Re: Cagliostro Book?

Post by NDscorpini » Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:33 pm

Hi Earik,
I have a quick question. Your kickstarter is for HALF the book or ALL the book? This is why I am hesitating. Originally I was thinking 50-100 for a whole book and it now seems its 250 for a partial. I'm not trying to start a fight but it looks like I would be paying more and getting less. My confusion is probably my fault so I apologize in advance.
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Re: Cagliostro Book?

Post by earik » Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:03 am

Hi ND,

There are multiple sections, each one being a different book, and they're all bound together. The first section is the numerology for lottery section. That's about 100 pages or so. Then there's another 78 pages which is an encyclopedia. It gives a French noun, with a vibration number, starting with A and working through the alphabet.

Like this:

Abandon, 33, 75.
Abandonner, 3, 27, 75.
Abattre, abattu, 5, 32.

That's it. Just pages and pages with words and values. Then there are some pictures with numbers, like the Sun being 1, and scissors being 8, etc. That's probably 20 pages. The idea is that if you have a dream about being abandoned, you go look up "abandonner", and it says to bet 3, 27, and 75 in the next lottery. The Paris lottery went up to 90, so he figured out what lottery number went with what word given that context. He gives a table of letter to number values (for the French alphabet at the time, which doesn't have all our letters), and that will be included, so if you want to go and figure your own vibrations out, you'll be able to do it.

The part I've translated is the first part, which deals with all the kabalistic stuff. That's what got me interested, and why I went off on this tangent in the first place. The second half isn't as interesting, and I don't know what to make of it. It's a French dictionary with number vibrations. I didn't feel like paying my guy to translate all that, and he didn't want to do it either. So that part doesn't come with it. I can try and get some good photos of the picture part, but I don't think Cagliostro did that part, and think it was tacked on by the person who ended up buying the rights to the manuscript.

Hope that clears it up.


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Re: Cagliostro Book?

Post by earik » Fri Aug 05, 2016 11:05 pm

Hi All,

Ok, with this Kickstarter project up and running, I've been refreshing my memory on lottery forecasting. I've never been able to pull this off with any degree of success, but (like roulette), it's kind of a fun thing to look at when you need a change of pace from markets. Since the Caglistro project was up, I was fooling around with this stuff, and wanted to share some of it. Good topic for a Friday afternoon. ;)

One of the techniques Cagliostro (and many other students of numerology) like to use is a pyramid, which lets you resolve numbers down. There are two kinds of ways of counting in numerology, base-9, and base-10. Base-10 is what we use in everyday life, with 10 single digits. Base-9 gets rid of the zero, and is the most common system in use.

Anyway, anytime you have a number larger than your base, you have to resolve it down, which is done by adding the individual numbers together. So if you had:


that's too big for base-9. So do this:

11 = 1 + 1 = 2

Now 11 turns into 2. It's easy.

Moving along to the pyramid, this is what we use with a really long stretch of numbers. Let's do the number "1234":


That's way too big, so on the next line down, we resolve nearest neighbors:

1 2 3 4
3 5 7

The 1 and 2 get added to a 3, and that's put underneath. Then the next two number (23) get resolved to a 5, and the final two (34) get resolved to a 7. This forms the next line. 357 is still too big (we're in base-9, remember), so do it again:

1 2 3 4
3 5 7
8 3

So 357 then turns into 83. The 8 is from the 35 in the first part of the second line, and then the 3 is from the 57 in the second part of the second line. 5 + 7 = 12 = 1+2 = 3. Then, doing it one last time, we get a 2.

So using a pyramid style of reduction, we can say that 1234 vibrates to a "2".

This is all pretty standard so far. Here's the interesting twist that I was messing around with today... I never liked the fact that order was important, so if our number is 1234, we do 1+2 and 2+3, and 3+4. But who is to say that nearest neighbors is the correct way to go? What about 1+3 and 2+4? Those numbers are also in that line. Just because they aren't next to each other doesn't mean that they shouldn't interact. If this is about resolving all of them down to a single value, I think of it like ingredients in a recipe. They all get mixed together in the end, so why be so rigid about it?

If we rearrange the numbers to something else, like 1324, or 1432, the vibrations at the end may be different than 2. In a 4 digit number there are actually 4x3x2 = 24 different potential pyramids to start from, each with a different value. Larger starting values have more combinations. Back in the 1700's, Cagliostro had to do it all with pen and paper (quill and parchment? :?) and so had to just pick a solution and run with it. But sitting here in 2016, I have a computer to do the heavy lifting, so I can get crazy with it.

So here's what I did... I took yesterday's date, August 4, 2016, and represented it like 08042016. If we do a pyramid on that, it will be a longer one than the example. If we consider all possibilities of the starting number (rearranging those digits), we get 8x7x6x5x4x3x2 = 40320 different potential vibrations at the end. Let's run them ALL, then aggregate the final digit solutions:

0: 0
1: 8064
2: 0
3: 8544 ***
4: 0
5: 7584
6: 0
7: 7584
8: 0
9: 8544 ***

Note that I moved to base-10 instead of base-9, which gives a zero possibility as a solution here. You need that if you want to use dates that have zeros in them. The output is a list of how many "hits" each number had, when resolved down through a pyramid.

Zero is shown in the first line as "0: 0". That means that no pyramids resolved to zero. The next line (1: 8064) means that 8064 of the possible pyramid solutions resolved down to a 1. There are asterisks by the 3 and 9 digits, because those were the winners. They each had 8544 pyramids that resolved down to their vibration, which were the most hits out of all the potential number vibrations. So I'm taking an old technique, and putting a modern spin on it.

Ok, so now let's look at the California Lottery "Fantasy 5" game. This game has 5 numbers, and they do a drawing every day. On August 4, 2016 (yesterday), the winning numbers were:

21 22 01 39 30

On this day, based on the date as I've arranged it, odd numbers were vibrating higher than evens, and out of those, 3's and 9's were vibrating the highest. I notice:

21, which resolves to a 3
39, which is a combination of our two numbers
30, which resolves to a 3, and is kind of a "big" 3

It wasn't all combinations of 3 and 9, but it feels like they are definitely represented. The 01 can also be seen in the vibration chart, as it had the second most hits on this day, behind 3 and 9. There's also a 22 in there, which doesn't match up with the results, but maybe it's just a number that wants to be a 21, and that's as close as it was able to get, given that 21 was already taken. Maybe I'm stretching that one. This all really reminds me of my talk in Vegas about forecasting roulette numbers using Astrotrader. I don't really think there's a way to perfectly solve lottery numbers, but this sort of thing does make me think it's not all random either.

Not sure if there's any application here beyond "gee whiz", but I thought I'd share anyway. Cool stuff.

All for now. Hope you all have a good weekend!


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Re: Cagliostro Book?

Post by etrader » Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:29 am

Let's support Earik's Cagliostro's Handbook for Forecasting Lottery Numbers on Kickstarter. We have only 16 more days.

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Re: Cagliostro Book?

Post by earik » Tue Aug 23, 2016 5:45 pm

Looks like the project is going forward! :D Glad to see that there was enough support to make it happen. Looks like this is going to be a *tiny* print run though, like 20 copies. I'll start working on this. Hopefully will be able to get it out by Nov sometime.



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