FluxLines on EUR/USD

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FluxLines on EUR/USD

Post by ForJL » Mon May 16, 2016 11:11 pm

I originally showed this work as a reply in another post but thought it was interesting enough to give it a thread of its own. So today we will be discussing the Planetary Flux Line tool found in W59.
No doubt anyone who has ever used W59 has tried using this simple to use indicator. However while it may be simple to employ the way in which it is used can vary from mundane to quite complex. The purpose here today will not be to go into any of those complexities but show you how I made these charts so you can have a template of sorts from which you can experiment with if you so choose.
The starting point with this indicator is to determine the planet or planets which are the source of main influence on the market under observation. This is an entire subject unto itself and goes well beyond the scope of this discussion. So I will make things easy for you and tell you it is Venus. That is not to say there are no other energy sources that are exerting influence on the EUR/USD, there are. However for this approach I believe you will be well served if you concentrate on Venus. Ultimately of course the decision lies with the user. In the first chart below, which is an update to the original one I posted (it can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=92 ) we can readily see how the Flux lines did a pretty good job of containing price and acting as support and resistance lines. You will also notice that the black dotted vertical lines give us fairly solid change in trend signals. If you study those lines closely you will see they occur when we get crosses of the lines. So what exactly is going on here? All we are doing is enabling the indicator to plot its inverse and when we get that cross we get potential CIT setups. Why? Well, as simply as I can put it the positive and negative charges set up disturbances within the energy field that can change the trend of the market by essentially neutralizing the dominant energy that is driving the move. When the CIT does not act as a neutralizing agent it should be considered a clue as the strength of the move. As I preached many times before it’s not always what the market does but sometimes what it doesn’t do that offers input in our analysis. Now another thing that I haven’t touched onhere is the harmonic settings. In many respects this is even more difficult to determine then the planet(s) of main influence and is once again beyond the scope of this post. I can tell you that for this particular indicator I use GS numbers (Gerbino Sequence) exclusively. Beyond that however I won’t specify. Now this chart works perfectly well at what it does but suppose we want to get a somewhat bigger picture. Let’s now turn our attention to the second chart. Here we use the exact same principles already discussed and have only changed the harmonics to achieve our purpose. The two charts are in fact harmonically related. We are still getting reasonably good support and resistance on the lines as well as CIT signals on the crosses. The CIT signal on 11/24/14 at first glance may look like a dud but remember what I said about market failing to do what is expected. We did not get the turn on the signal and instead got a continued steep decline. In other words the energy behind the prevailing market move simply overwhelmed the CIT signal. We can also and an additional wrinkle here by measuring off our Flux cross CIT signals using our Bar Counter tool set to planetary degrees. Obviously we want this set to Venus and we key in on 4th and 6th harmonics and you can measure both forward and backward in time off of the CIT signals. Generally speaking each CIT anchor will resonate to either the 4th or the 6th harmonic. On some occasions it will resonate to both … at this point I know not why. In this example the black vertical lines represent 6th harmonics, red the 4th harmonic, and the fuchsia vertical line represents where both worked. In the chart we see how we can use a simple trendline break as an entry signal.
So there you have it. The rest of the charts show the settings used here if you want to do some experimenting on you own.

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EURUSD_2.png (70.02 KiB) Viewed 9927 times
settings1_FirstChart.png (48.95 KiB) Viewed 9927 times
settings2_FirstChart.png (50.47 KiB) Viewed 9927 times
settings1_SecondChart.png (47.21 KiB) Viewed 9927 times

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Re: FluxLines on EUR/USD

Post by ForJL » Mon May 16, 2016 11:12 pm

settings2_SecondChart.png (47.46 KiB) Viewed 9926 times

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Re: FluxLines on EUR/USD

Post by ForJL » Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:59 pm

The board has been extremely quiet lately and don't think there is a whole lot of interest in this topic either. Just the same I thought I'd do a quick follow up just in case there are a few of you (perhaps one or two :D ) that find this stuff interesting. In the first chart we see that CIT signals remain strong though price containment has become shoddy (highlighted areas). This is because the energy signature is weakening as it nears it's end. The second chart using a different energy signature is still doing quite well. Perhaps in the near future I will do something on different markets.

EURUSD_1a.png (74.17 KiB) Viewed 9873 times
EURUSD_2a.png (49.3 KiB) Viewed 9873 times

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Re: FluxLines on EUR/USD

Post by soldado1976 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:43 pm

Good post - I have noticed for years on the intraday chart of the ES that the Moon Flux Lines (with the inverted) produce a lot of CITs where they cross. Cannot post a chart but I am sure that is not "new" news....

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Re: FluxLines on EUR/USD

Post by dirk » Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:48 am

Hi Joe , your work is always interesting ....just to give you something to make a cross check i am posting my forecast for EURUSD h4 .......this market followed very nice the future of our universe , the green line , and now is following the future of multiverse , the red line, and at 12.00 Ny time on agust 3 would turn up again .....let see...

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Re: FluxLines on EUR/USD

Post by ForJL » Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:17 pm

Hi Dirk,

Out of town for the next couple of days but will be interested to see how your forecast worked out. Willing to bet it will be another good one.


Thanks ... I actually did something on Moon Flux Line crosses a few years back on the old board but used the YM. Hope you have the ability to post soon as it would be great to see some of your work.


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Re: FluxLines on EUR/USD

Post by dirk » Fri Aug 05, 2016 9:30 am

Hi Joe , here the chart updated .....the market went down untill 12.00 as predicted , then continued little down and now is lateral exactely following the red line that is lateral.....

EURUSD update.png
EURUSD update.png (10.91 KiB) Viewed 9813 times

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