Keyboard input?

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Keyboard input?

Post by hjelmstade » Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:19 am

Does anyone know if Qscript accepts keyboard input?

What I'm looking to do is resize a tool similar to the way resizing a fibonacci vortex works.

So essentially, hold down on a hotspot, hit a key, have a function executed and then redraw.

I've looked over the entire QScript Help and looked through many of the Qscripts in the library and have not found anything related to this. Is it possible?


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Re: Keyboard input?

Post by earik » Wed Jun 15, 2016 4:01 pm

Hi Hjelmstade,

No, it won't do that. I have seen some clever ways of getting around the format box. Check out Kurt's vortex script in the library ( He built a slider that sits on the screen, which you can move up and down to do different things. Sort of the same thing, but using just the mouse instead of the keyboard.


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Re: Keyboard input?

Post by hjelmstade » Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:06 pm

Hi Earik,

Thanks for confirming. I've been looking over Kurt's script and yes, its a clever work around :)


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Re: Keyboard input?

Post by en1940 » Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:16 am

Well, keyboard input would be very useful, IMHO

as a reduced version - I'd love to be able to move active hotspots with arrow buttons,
often mouse movements are way to tiny for my shaking hands )))

Same goes for UNDO button for drawing objects (moving, resizing, deleting, etc).
One step back is enough

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