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Post by Simon.B » Sun Feb 19, 2023 3:00 am

Hi Earik, or any member who was/is using ChatGPT to build or assist in building a mechanical system.

Was wondering if anyone has some feedback or opinion on ChatGPT in this regard.


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Re: ChatGPT

Post by sbank » Mon Feb 20, 2023 5:15 pm

I have watched a couple YouTubers using ChatGPT to construct systems. Most seem to just be some over-fit backtest that I would not trust.

One guy I follow (and disclaimer, I took his course a couple years back), has a nice Tradestation video w/ChatGPT. It is easy enough to convert to QScript. (Give a shout if you need assistance).

Kevin Davey:

Still not sure if I would trust the algorithm enough to give the system money however.

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Re: ChatGPT

Post by Simon.B » Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:28 pm

Thanks for your reply.

Yeah, after a few days of trying it out - I came to same conclusion. It seems their conversion of EA to Qscript is not
any better than built in converter in Wave59.

I personally did not find any real way of building systems with ChartGPT, but then my knowledge in scripting is rather limited.
I did talk to a few guys who seem to believe that ChartGPT was helpful to improve small particular snippets of code.


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Re: ChatGPT

Post by sbank » Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:33 pm

I follow a bunch of subreddits on programming. Most developers seem to use ChatGPT to help (like you said) with small snippets of code. Like, "Build me a regex to do XYZ."

If you haven't played with Hive or the Genetic Algorithm builder in Wave59, take a look at those. I have one hive that I built almost two years ago for the NQ. I have not made a single change to it in that time and it is cranking out alpha for me. In retrospect I should have allocated it more of my capital. :). but hindsight and all that jazz.

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Re: ChatGPT

Post by Simon.B » Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:31 pm

I did play with those, and created a few systems……but never used them :D
I’ve been discretionary trader all my life, just wanted to know what all excitement is about.

Thanks again,

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Re: ChatGPT

Post by abacaba » Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:33 pm

ChatGPT has definitely been on my mind, too. Both my next door neighbors are work at home IT professionals. Had a chat while out walking with one yesterday -- yes, ChatGPT doesn't "know anything" but is very useful for things like "do this better using these parameters." Will report back when more informed/experienced. Also WSJ has some good reasonably technical articles.


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Re: ChatGPT

Post by Simon.B » Fri Feb 24, 2023 5:04 pm

Thanks Todd

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Re: ChatGPT

Post by dctommy » Tue Mar 07, 2023 6:49 pm

As a retired Communication systems engineer, machines are simply "fast idiots"...they know nothing until you point them in a certain direction

which is why I am not concerned they will "take over the world"

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Re: ChatGPT

Post by earik » Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:53 pm

I've thought about messing around with it for systems, but whenever I've had the time, I end up asking it philosophical questions instead and discussing the nature of the universe with it. I think the core tech is pretty amazing. The way I'd see it being most useful is actually as a research assistant. Rather than sitting there and typing out a bunch of code yourself, tell it the details of your system, then let it write the code for you in a fraction of the time. More like the Jarvis AI in Ironman, and much less like Skynet in the Terminator (if that makes sense :lol: )


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Re: ChatGPT

Post by Simon.B » Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:58 am

Lol....thanks Earik

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