The Vortex ... My Approach

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Re: The Vortex ... My Approach

Post by ForJL » Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:18 pm

I thought this was interesting from the perspective of a real world trading dilemma so thought I would do a short post on the subject.

Okay. I get up this morning and start doing setup and see I need to put together a new Vortex map. EIP’s have been vague the past few days both to the eye and the algo’s I run but decided on the ones marked A-B-C on the chart. The performance is good and catches the high at @0850 perfectly and the market then starts to move down. So the question now becomes do I put together another V-map or stick with the one I have. This is actually an issue you are going to run into a lot and the simple answer is if it’s not broke don’t fix it. The proper thing to do is to wait until you can verify a new EIP and then do another V-map but also keep the original. You will then find yourself gravitating to the one that is performing best. To be honest this is not what I did. You can’t argue with results and the original workup was doing great. Still, you really should put that second one together though. I suppose this is a perfect example of someone saying do as I say, not as I do. Perhaps I should get into politics. ;-)

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Re: The Vortex ... My Approach

Post by ForJL » Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:37 am

I have been busy with other projects lately but hope to start posting a few more variations of the technique soon. One of them will arguably be probably the best performing but also the one I like working with the least. You will understand that statement a lot better once I start delving into it a bit. ;-)

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Re: The Vortex ... My Approach

Post by ForJL » Thu Apr 15, 2021 9:55 pm

It’s been a while so I thought I would get back to this and show you another variation of the techniques. No, it’s not the one I spoke of in the previous post, I decided to save that one for last, but the one I use the most and a notch higher on the scale of difficulty. The reason it is more difficult is because it requires the user to work out the energy signature in advance. There are countless energy signatures that can be used but not all are equal. Some are significant and others useless. Therefore it becomes incumbent on the user to do the research necessary to find the ones that yields the best results. So it takes some work but it holds a distinct advantage over using swing highs and lows because while swings are manifestations of energy they don’t necessarily always designate the energy release point. Think about volcanic eruptions … sometimes the spew smoke, and lava as a warning sign. Other times they just blow viciously without any warning at all.

In the simple example below (first chart) we are using 45* aspects of the Moon and Moon’s Node. Scale the chart accordingly (see earlier posts) and plot a Vortex using a multiplier one degree higher than the scaling on the chart. The tilt is kept at zero and placed on the close of the bar where the aspect is marked. Make another Vortex using the same procedure but make the tilt -340*. Now do the exact same thing at the next aspect … the reflective energy point, again using the closing price of the first aspect and you are done. Building them is simple and should only take you a minute. The hard part is figuring out the energy signatures. This is were you should devote the bulk of you time.

We can further enhance the technique if you like by adding more Vortices. Since we are plotting 45* aspects we start by converting price into degrees. There are different ways to do this but we will keep this example simple and make one point equal to one degree. Since 45 points is not a whole lot on the ES these days I chose 90 for this example. Measure up 90 points from the first aspects closing price and place a horizontal line. Then simply follow the same procedure as outlined above and delete the horizontal line when done. Personally I like clean chart and don’t add this step unless extreme price movement compels me to do so. Naturally the choice is yours.

Next up will be the hard one. Definitely a tough nut to crack but for some perhaps worth the effort. ;-)

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Re: The Vortex ... My Approach

Post by ForJL » Fri Apr 16, 2021 3:33 pm

I received a good question earlier that essentially asked what should you do when you reach a new aspect location but you are still getting good results off of the previous workup? While it is true that there is usually some residual value after the fact it is almost always better to do a new workup. Once decay starts it can end pretty quickly and you don't want to get caught flatfooted. You could of course use both charts but when day trading I prefer to take a minimalist approach when possible to avoid information overload. The choice as always is yours.

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Re: The Vortex ... My Approach

Post by ForJL » Wed Jul 21, 2021 10:22 pm

It has been a while since I have posted on a regular basis due to lets say, events beyond my control, so have lots to catch up on. So today I going to go over what I had planned on covering a few months ago and then tackle the “tough one” that I have alluded to more than once.

Okay, so as you know there are many ways you can do these things and some are better than others. This variation picks up on where I left off in the previous post using aspects of the Moon and the moon's node. First, follow the same basic procedure as already outlined to create the Vortice. Though before going any further I do want to touch on something that I get quite a few questions about. That being the multiplier of the Vortice. Specifically, does it have to be one degree larger than that of the chart? The answer of course is no. At the end of the day the trader must determine what is right for them. Thus you can use any multiplier you like or none at all. I would recommend one larger degree or the same degree but it's always possible you could encounter a situation where those options just won't work. If so, try going up or down the scale until you find the one that gives the best results. Back to the chart. In this variation place the Vortice on the close of price that occurs on the first aspect. Next, spin the Vortex until you get either a spiral or a spoke on the previous swing. Finally copy the Vortice and move it to the point of where the next aspect meets the price level of where you put the first Vortices spiral/spoke. You are now done. Simple, easy, and solid reults.

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Re: The Vortex ... My Approach

Post by ForJL » Fri Jul 23, 2021 2:12 pm

I'll be out of the office for the rest of the day so won't see this to it's actual completion (need one more bar) but thought I'd do the post anyway while I had a few minutes. This is a nothing more the a follow up to the post that I did the other day that shows the power of technique. It's not perfect by any means but pretty darn good. If any of you have tried it I do hope you are having success with it.
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Re: The Vortex ... My Approach

Post by ForJL » Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:55 pm

Soon after leaving the office on Friday price broke right through the Vortex resistance. Since trading ran past the end of the energy signature a new Vortex setup was needed. While it's to early to tell about the overall results, the short term shows that it was able to contain price well enough. (First chart) The second chart is using the exact same variation of the technique but on a larger timeframe and different energy signature. Here it is using Venus/Moon second harmonic. The first week frankly didn't show much but the second week was stellar. I suppose the real question is what was relevant about Venus/Moon? ;)

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