Cool stuff in the SPY

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Cool stuff in the SPY

Post by earik » Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:17 pm

Hi Gang,

Saw something cool today. All of this is straight out of Market Esoterica, so you all are probably sick of it by now, but that stuff still keeps on impressing me, even now, 20-odd years later. I guess those tools have been out-of-sample long enough to know that they weren't curve fit. :lol:

So, to start with, let's check the ephemeris, which is always a good way to know what to key into on a given day.
eph_17june2021.png (50.68 KiB) Viewed 21777 times
I haven't marked up the eph, but if you study it for a bit, all of what I'm about to say will become clear. Someone asked me the other day if I had finally figured out what planet is the most important for daytrading. The answer is "yes", and that we all knew about this decades ago. It's the Moon. If you want to cut your analysis time down, just watch that one planet, and really focus on times when it does something *interesting*. There's an aspect list on the eph that tells you what all the relationships are, and sorts it by exactitude. Bold aspects are applying, and regular ones are separating. So you scan that list, and look for Moon aspects near the top that are ideally bolded. Today, that was Moon opposed to Neptune, the third item on the list. That's the one that's going to be guaranteed to be hot for daytrading.

Moving to the eph, I've placed that square in there, linked to the moon. Notice that Mercury takes up a corner of the square, making it more powerful. Also notice that Mars is there splitting the difference between the squares, and that made me consider that we might be running on the 8th harmonic as well, which is basically the same thing. Why did I set the eph to 9:25 am? Because that's when New York takes up a position on the square. The ASC lines up with the Moon toward the left, and the MC lines up with Mercury at the top. The Moon sets up the pattern, and the fast movers trigger the time in the day when it will happen. 9:25am (pacific time) was the only time during RTH that we'd be interested in when looking at this pattern.

Ok, that's time. How about price? Notice that the Moon/ASC corner of the square points to 419.25. What was the low of the day today? 419.32 at 9:31am. ;)

Let's see that on a chart:
flux_17june2021.png (29.09 KiB) Viewed 21777 times
I marked the area we're interested in with an arrow. You can't miss it. Those lines are flux lines, from the astro menu. 24 points per 360 degrees is pretty much what you want with the SPY/ES/SP complex. Since we're running on the 4th harmonic, that's why I set "points to next" to 6. (That's the 4th harmonic of our 24 points. Or, 24/4 = 6.) That cluster of 3 lines there at the bottom is Moon/Mercury/Neptune. Visually, it's pretty obvious that's the place to focus on compared to trying to solve for it on the eph, although you get the same answer. You can also see Mars on there. It has an effect too, but those three on the T-square are really the ones to watch.

As long as we're on a Market Esoterica theme, what else is going on down there? Well, there's this:
sq9_17june2021.png (48.02 KiB) Viewed 21777 times
I never see anyone using the Square of Nine properly. It's probably because it's kind of a pain unless you have a computerized version that can use the planets and the right geometry. Intraday SQ9 is pretty much always Moon and Sun. I've put markers on both of them, and note that the ASC is the same color as the Moon, and is right on top of it. Check out how the low near 419 solves out using the built-in relationships of the SQ9. Once you know which numbered squares go with which markets, and have the ability to put the right things on there, you have a chance to see how highs and lows get solved for. The nice thing about markets is they tell you in lots of ways, so you don't need a numbered square to know something was up at the low, but at the same time it's a pretty awesome confirmation.

This post is getting long, so I'll only do one non-astro tool. Here's the Flower of Life tool. Right-click and open in a new browser window if it's hard to read.
flower_17june2021.png (75.72 KiB) Viewed 21777 times
I ran one Flower from the big swing that set up yesterday, and another from a minor upswing this morning. It's the same pattern for both, and they line up in the 419.12 - 419.28 area. The larger one solved for time too, which is what you want to see. I had some Andrews stuff on here too, but flowers are messy so I deleted it to try and keep the chart cleaner. But if you work through this on your own, check that stuff out too. I haven't tried any vortexes, but I'd bet money one of them is involved. :)

All for now.


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Re: Cool stuff in the SPY

Post by rlite4 » Tue Jun 29, 2021 11:45 pm

Hi Earik,
Thanks for this example - reading thru this and replicating on chart makes (the ME) material "come to life" - please keep them coming :D .

A few questions:
Tried to use the Aspects tool to plot Moon - Neptune 180 and did not get a line plot on 6/17. Initially I thought the this might be because the Aspects tool has a tight built in degrees off filter but then using the vertical cursor with the chart we can see moon Neptune 180 is ~3.3 degrees off at 8:00 AM Pacific time, goes to ~2.53 degrees at 09:25AM Pacific, and Moon-Neptune 180 gets close to 0 degrees off by around open of Market next day. So unless there is some other filter (spherical calculation - shot in the dark for me :? ) don't know what I messed up. Chart attached.

Have some more questions but not sure if you are ok with my asking here in open room - or would you prefer to set up a ME room :) - I certainely have a lot of questions I could use help with - may be there are others who are new to ME also or some who may like to post their ME Nuggets :D ?

MoonOpposeNeptune061721-2021-06-29_19-22-23.jpg (403.33 KiB) Viewed 21656 times

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Re: Cool stuff in the SPY

Post by rlite4 » Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:22 pm

Ok figured out what what was happening to the Neptune Oppose Moon Aspect plot - it was exact at 16:55 EST and for the SPY I was only plotting until 16:15 EST.
Sorry for the confusion

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Re: Cool stuff in the SPY

Post by earik » Sat Jul 10, 2021 8:26 pm

Hi rlite,

Glad you figured out the aspect stuff.

You can feel free to post tools from that course here. If enough people want an ME room, I can set one up, but my experience with private groups is that it hurts discussion more than helps it, and these days I'm not super worried about this stuff being posted around. If the tools were going to stop being effective because too many pirates saw them, that would have happened back in 2006 when my stuff all started getting stolen on a large scale. Obviously, the tools still work just fine after all this time, so I think we're safe! I do hate those pirates, but the same personality defects that cause certain people to act dishonorably and steal techniques also tends to make them fail miserably at trading, so there's a karmic fail safe that works to protect us without needing to get super weird about being secret. :D



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Re: Cool stuff in the SPY

Post by rlite4 » Sat Jul 17, 2021 12:31 pm

Hi Earik,

thanks for allowing us to continue the ME related questions in the open forum rooms.

First a query from info above: plotting the aspects gives the possibility of change happening but these must then be triggered by some fast moving feature like the ascendant etc. for time and price. So instead of just plotting aspects would like to qualify those with triggers.
I looked a little in to the scripts in the technical tab, but an example or pointer to similar script would speed up the process - what I would like to do is

(a) to sort for potentially "Juicy" aspects and then print out or plot lines in the day when planets involved in these aspects are triggered by one of Ascendant, MidHeaven etc, to start, then

(b) it would be nice to expand to print lines for price levels and multiples based on $/360 chosen - (can the $ for 360 be read off of the Ephemeris settings? and if we have turned on say the trine aspect drawing is it possible to query the Ephemeris plot for that and current orientation of verticies to use to calculate possible price targets) - this is probably getting a bit too ambitious to start... but what might be more useful in the begining is to

(c) have a input selection "change settings" page where one could say selectively turn on or off one (or more) of the triggers and planets to look at what has effect on an instrument - eg may be the moon and some planet have most effect on xyz future - then again may be this knowledge is already available in some reference work.... and this would leads to a less cluttered chart with the "more likely" turning points, time (and price)... plotted.

Had another thing to say but next post for that will make this one not too long...

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Re: Cool stuff in the SPY

Post by rlite4 » Tue Jul 20, 2021 10:14 pm

An update: after my post on the 17th with all the questions - started reading the ME book again ... and surprise there are the answers to some of the questions..note to myself - figure out questions wait a little and read the book again.... will I forget that .... quite likely.. so bear with me all and thanks again for a great book Earik!

I still need help with the script questions and if there is a pointer to any references listing markets and what squares and planets they resonate to.


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Re: Cool stuff in the SPY

Post by rlite4 » Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:41 am

Another quick question: how to draw lines on the square of 9 or the numbered pentagon chart? The trend line tool draws line on a price chart but cant get it to draw a line on the numbered charts.

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Re: Cool stuff in the SPY

Post by rlite4 » Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:54 am

Ok scratch the last question - figured out the Draw (angled) lines is the tool to use - it makes sense since it accurately draws straight lines at given angle and so easy to figure out right angles to it and extension to other side...

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Re: Cool stuff in the SPY

Post by rlite4 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 2:08 pm

Hi Earik,

Looked some more at the Qscript help to try and figure out ME script related questions I had above but have not been able to. So posted them under the Qscript questions heading.

Please have a look when you get a chance and let me know how to proceed. TIA


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Re: Cool stuff in the SPY

Post by earik » Fri Aug 13, 2021 6:02 pm

Sorry for the delay in getting back. Been sort of distracted and sort of forgot there was this "forum" thing. LOL. I'll go check out your questions in the other room.


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