Progressed Time

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Re: Progressed Time

Post by g<>< » Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:07 am

SPTaprimer.jpg (90.36 KiB) Viewed 19675 times
Masters, it is with great respect that I review the first chart.

SPT, the Secret Progression Time function is encoded with a numerologic vibration formula. As E has already discussed the basics of it's calculation, the more esoteric minutia may be saved for a reserved discussion. However, in the now...

Your attention to the green box, you note the consolidation of price action (May to Oct). At point Alpha, the extension to Bravo is the numerator. The retracement, Bravo to Charlie, is the fractionation and we have another extension from Charlie to point Delta, the denominator.

The application of the SPT function at the swing points, Alpha-Bravo-Charlie-Delta will automatically plot the red triangle at the bottom of the screen, the red Zulu. The esoteric calculations denote a numerologic disruption, a disturbance in the force if you will. A simple vertical line plot up and we have fuchsia Zulu meeting price action.

A quick primer on forms. A short numerator, a-b (SPT1), as seen in the white SPT Presentations box will plot disruptions closer in time. A long numerator (SPT3), will plot disruptions further away in time. The fractionation swing Bravo-Charlie plots the triangle closer as it gets longer. All swings independently and collectively factor into the disruption plot. I intuitively look for setups where, as in the example (SPT2), the numerator swing and denominator swing are almost equal or equal. In this example a difference of just 3 bars, 39/36. Why? Symmetry is always favored in natural law.

Progressed time, the title of this thread, is a double entendre of our enduring connection to the Wave 59 community.

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Re: Progressed Time

Post by ForJL » Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:12 am

Hi G,

I saw this the other day but things have gotten quite hectic here in the NYC area to say the least. Instead of markets and techniques I have been doing what I could for my wife's elderly family and some of the new neighbors of advanced age also. I finally have some down time so wanted to take a minute to thank you for the cogent explanation you laid out not only for myself but for the entire community. It's something I plan on delving into more deeply going forward.


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Re: Progressed Time

Post by ES_Surfer » Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:14 pm


Thank you for this most interesting post.

I have some understanding (novice) of your posted example SPTaprimer.jpg (90.36 KiB). My question is, when Zulu occured (2/18/2020), were you biased in one direction, i.e. more than likely a high in place, or were you ready to consider both a buy or sell depending on price action through resistance/support?

I have not revisited my copy of "Techniques of an AstroTrader" in quite a while, but I believe that was the approach discussed by Earik when the predicted change in trend was approached.

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Re: Progressed Time

Post by g<>< » Thu Apr 29, 2021 4:45 am

frothy.png (28.86 KiB) Viewed 15548 times
SPT projects May 10. Interesting tool to apply in the current financial milieu.

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Re: Progressed Time

Post by g<>< » Mon May 03, 2021 9:15 pm

mayaway.jpg (85.47 KiB) Viewed 15449 times
Repeating the repeated recitation to repeat repetitiously, repeatedly? Donald Bradley's Siderograph plot...courtesy of Wave59 PRO2 by e.

jupeedupee.jpg (90.5 KiB) Viewed 15449 times
Jupeedupeedoo changes into PIS three days later from our potential May 10 CIT. This is followed by Jupiter's retrograde, June 20 to Oct 17, 2021.

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Re: Progressed Time

Post by Eagle » Wed May 05, 2021 11:16 am

g, thank you for the charts.

It's certainly going to be a volatile year. We will all be watching the markets closely.



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Re: Progressed Time

Post by g<>< » Thu May 06, 2021 4:37 am

weekly1.jpg (116.54 KiB) Viewed 15387 times
Please find two studies; one rather plebian and the other quite patrician and of course, exclusive to Wave59 PRO2 by e.
Price at retracement levels. Chart 1.

weakly.jpg (159.88 KiB) Viewed 15387 times
Please find two homonyms; one rather mundane and the other quite prophetic. oops...perhaps a bit too advisory. :lol: my apologies.

Price at FibVortex spiral. Chart 2.

As always, submitted for your consideration and further research.
Last edited by g<>< on Thu May 06, 2021 9:50 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: Progressed Time

Post by abacaba » Thu May 06, 2021 1:46 pm


Remember ... the key to micro-dosing is the "micro" part! :lol:


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Re: Progressed Time

Post by g<>< » Thu May 06, 2021 2:46 pm

“That’s what she said!’—Michael Scott, Regional Manager, Dunder Mifflin Inc. Scranton. Stock Ticker: DMI (often read as dummies, morons and idiots)

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Re: Progressed Time

Post by g<>< » Fri May 07, 2021 8:13 pm

astrod.jpg (69.5 KiB) Viewed 15275 times
In trance state, I was given a spark. I was compelled to download LvT's Miles Wilson Walker Astro Declination CIT script. Ooo...spooky/hokey...yes, but in all seriousness.

The above is the application of it. Very strange that the line would plot May 7th and Monday being the 10th. I was quite surprised.

The mechanics are, "a composite Declination based on Mercury, Mars, and Venus. Changes in composite declination correspond to CITs in the daily S&P." posted by our master Lars.

declinationscycles.jpg (95.19 KiB) Viewed 15275 times
Chart to you, the individual declinations of Mercury (blue), Venus (lime) and Mars (maroon).

kitchensink.jpg (114.07 KiB) Viewed 15275 times
I've plotted both the composite plot and astrotrader plot with equal weightings at 6.

sumthin'.jpg (225.58 KiB) Viewed 15275 times
It has to hit sumthin' :shock: :P :lol: 8-) :| ;) just for fun.

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