beta-test e-mini forecast

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Sun Feb 02, 2020 1:59 am

Hi All,
If any of you want to help me with research project I'm going to put this out there. The natural law that Gann uses in his trading is from a book written by Hermes called "The Kybalion." In one of the free energy websites that I go to there is a thread where they are trying to apply this information to electromagnetism. It is an old thread and there are 217 pages. I am trying to go through 2-5 pages a day in hopes of stumbling across something that might help us with our trading. If any of you whip through these pages and find something PLEASE POST IT!!! It might be a new drawing tool or an idea for a new indicator. It is a long drawn out painful process BUT...that is the only way I know to make progress. ... omagnetism

Good luck and keep us all updated of anything worth discussing.
Best wishes,

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Fri Mar 06, 2020 11:31 pm

Hi All,
I want to share with you my take on the Law of Vibration. In the Kyballion it merely states that everything is moving at an atomic level and there is no real stillness. I think it is the cause in the cause and effect. Take something very simple, the electrolysis of water. Hydrogen on one side and on the other oxygen.
So what you might ask. Have you heard of Brown's gas? Yull Brown performed electrolysis of water but combine them in one tube as a mixture. He perturbed the water differently.
Hydrogen and Browns gas have COMPLETELY different properties. Hydrogen burns at 932F and it explodes. Brown's gas burns at 300F and it implodes. Further when you make Brown's gas you also make a little H1 (atomic hydrogen) and O1 (atomic oxygen).
hho/air mixture reacting with catalyst converter. Regular hydrogen doesn't do that.

So this is my long winded explanation for setting up your drawing tools. If you aren't getting the effect that you want keep changing the cause i.e. the way you perturb them. Every variable matters!!!
Best wishes,

I just found this video about how seeds and worms react to a north pole magnet vs. the south pole. How you perturb something will determine the effect that you get.

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Wed Mar 11, 2020 8:11 pm

Hi All,
The following screenshot was taken from a book I found while doing my R&D. The highlighted passage at the end caught my attention. What did he mean by that?

Best wishes,
LOV.JPG (62.14 KiB) Viewed 29741 times

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:14 pm

Hi All,
It has been over a month since I posted anything to this thread. I figured you guys were due for another installment. The first part is about Roger Anderton. I heard an interview with him back in 2010. I included some of my notes to this post.

I sent Roger Anderton some information about Gann. The follow quote is taken from his e-mail. “Gann is very interesting. It sounds like he was dealing with physics around at his time of ideas similar to Boscovich.” This was the first time I got a response from someone in the scientific community that confirmed that Gann was probably on to something. When you ask someone with a finance background about Gann they assume he is a charlatan because his analysis is completely separate discipline of which they know nothing about.

The second part is about the 30's and 40's. The sweet spot for science in my opinion.
1. Gann
2. Tesla
3. Royal Raymond Rife
4. Ed Leedskalin (coral castle)
5. Walter Russell
All this guys were using natural law and/or had freemason affiliations. Who else was in that era that were traders?
Roger Babson and Dr. Alan Andrews
Action/reaction lines and pitchforks which couldn't be anymore natural law (causality) if you tried.

Best wishes,
andertonPART1.jpg (290.43 KiB) Viewed 23472 times
andertonPART2.jpg (99.9 KiB) Viewed 23472 times

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Tue May 05, 2020 7:14 pm

Hi All,

This is what I recently emailed to Roger Anderton. I am a fan of his because he thinks physics should be based on Pythagoras. A lot of the Gann material is based on Pythagoras. So in my mind he is adding to the validity of Gann being based on real science.
Best wishes,

Hi Mr. Anderton,

I heard your radio interview with Bill Alek back in 2010. I was reviewing my notes and I noticed your views on Pythagorean physics. Bruce Cathie posted a video where he thought that all nuclear bombs need the Sun to form a Pythagorean triangle for a successful detonation. What are your thoughts on this and do you think he was correct?

Bruce Cathie atomic bomb test

lecture part 1

lecture part 2 ... _sb_noss_1

book list ... &searchin=

many of his books can be downloaded here for free

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Sat May 09, 2020 3:42 pm

This was an actual Bruce Cathie website that sold his software. Don’t know if they still sell it but it might be a good starting point.

For those who are still intellectually curious...

So you would have to buy a computer with Windows 7 to get it to work. Only 171.00

Might want to make a small investment before it is unattainable?


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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Fri May 15, 2020 8:37 pm

Here is his response

Dear Thomas

Its all about Tesla and resonances etc. based on music of the spheres, Pythagoras etc. Unfortunately, I have never been able  to follow Bruce's thinking of how he gets things; sounds like he was taking an intuitive approach to science+maths same as Ramanujan.

see my talks:

From Ancient Gods to Ancient Aliens via Science Fiction ...

From Ancient Gods to Ancient Aliens via Science Fiction
From Ancient Gods to Ancient Aliens via Science Fiction Our modern science comes to us from ancient wisdom: Cope...

SETI ignoring ETI signals Roger Anderton 1st June 2017 ...

SETI ignoring ETI signals Roger Anderton 1st June 2017
Tesla and ETI Music talk by Roger Anderton 1st June 2017 Alien signals based on old physics pre-Einstein being i...

Latest talk: Einstein's relativity theory must have been by his wife; been mistranslated from German and misunderstood into English:

Rethinking Relativity - proposed talk for 2020

Rethinking Relativity - proposed talk for 2020
i. Einstein's first wife must have been a major contributor to Special Relativity. ii. Einstein got into a big a...


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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Fri May 22, 2020 11:55 pm

Hi All,
I attached a screenshot of reversed engineered RSI. The teal is 80,40 and the pink is 60,20. Got the idea from an old Cardwell seminar I bought on audio tape in the late 90's. The problem is context. If you open at RSI 80 it could either be a sign of a strong bull run OR a hard reversal down. How do you know? It took me a while to figure this one out.
1. I start with my excel file sorts to find the most correct forecast, like in the beginning of this thread.
2. Then geometric drawing tools either holding or breaking to confirm the forecast.
I don't think you can get by with indicators alone, too ambiguous.

This Vin Diesel scene illustrates in such a way you can't forget it. 500. 500 what? Context is everything.
Best wishes,
reverseRSI (2).jpg
reverseRSI (2).jpg (246.72 KiB) Viewed 19758 times

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Fri May 29, 2020 10:15 pm

Hi All,
I made a pretty big discovery today. I have been playing around with longer term ellipses and thought that I saw something. I didn't actually trade this because I wanted to make sure it wasn't a fluke. "Fluke" my least favorite F word. If you get the right size, angle and anchor point something pretty amazing happens when you extend the minor axis. Add that to the most correct natal = "champagne and orgasms." That is what I call this chart. Not bad for 100% setting this up the night before. Now there is a lot more to this chart than I'm showing but impressive nonetheless. I'm not 100% happy with methodology yet but I'm REALLY close. Soon I'll be playing this clip all the time, kidding.

Best wishes,
May-29-2020redacted.jpg (164.66 KiB) Viewed 19503 times

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Sat Jun 06, 2020 8:33 pm

Hi All,
Going through all my video websites this week and I found a good one!!! As I have said before I think that the market moves like energy so I use the circle, the ellipse and the parabola as some of my drawing tools.

Another good Ken Wheeler video but more importantly the free downloads underneath the video. If you reread everything in this thread you will better understand where I am coming from. Hopefully it will all come together and make sense.

Best wishes,

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