beta-test e-mini forecast

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Fri Aug 02, 2019 9:03 pm

Hi All,
Since there is zero interest in what I am doing...I will stop at the end of next week. I thank you for your time and attention.
Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Sun Aug 04, 2019 4:44 pm

Hi All,
First, I want to give a shout out to Pear1942 for his positive comment. Second, I would like to monolog for a few minutes. I have been privately criticized for not using actual Gann techniques from his books and courses. That is 100% true I am not. BUT…I am using Gann principles. There is a difference between a technique and a principle. What did Gann use to develop his techniques? Without a doubt Pythagoras and Natural Law.
Pythagoras - arguably the greatest PURE mathematician that ever lived who invented the diatonic scale. He also developed the quadrivium.

1 arithmetic = Number in itself, which is a pure abstraction; that is, outside of space and time.
2 music = Number in time.
3 geometry = Number in space.
4 astronomy = Number in space and time.

Natural Law was mentioned in the famous 1909 article. These 7 principles are taken directly out of the book “The Kylballion.”
1. The principle of Mentalism
2. The principle of Correspondence
3. The principle of Vibration
4. The principle of Polarity
5. The principle of Rhythm
6. The principle of Cause and Effect
7. The principle of Gender

So I can create anything I want so long as it falls under these principles. Gann didn’t have access to excel, the modern computer, the internet, automated drawing tools or automated astro tools. It makes no sense to limit my research to what he actually did in the early 1900s. The biggest test of all is does it actually work? I believe my material qualifies as modern Gann work even though it doesn’t resemble what is in his writings. I’ll post Monday’s settings in a few hours.

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Sun Aug 04, 2019 6:58 pm

Hi All,

balance point 2926.26

6 of hearts 19 points

SA/SR 60 19 points

SA/SR 24 19 points

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by olobay » Mon Aug 05, 2019 12:11 am

Thanks for posting these.

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by DC1 » Mon Aug 05, 2019 8:03 pm

I am truely interested in your work
Thank you for being brave enough to put it out there in the first place

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Mon Aug 05, 2019 8:41 pm

Hi All,
Thank you olobay and DC1 for the positive feedback. Olobay for some reason the PM you have been sending me keep getting deleted before I get a chance to read them.

Obviously the news was so bearish it inverted the natals. Other than that not too shabby. Give me a few hours and I'll posy tomorrow's settings. Thanks
Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Mon Aug 05, 2019 11:37 pm

Hi All,
Now tomorrow is going to be a really good test of my methodology. First I do the 20 year excel file sort to find the times. Then I drive the natal through those times. Normally, the natals are pretty good as is BUT...tomorrow I had to push one forward by 40 minutes and pull one backward by a -70 minutes. So if I get good results then I'm confident that I am doing everything correctly. Thanks
Best wishes,

SA/SR 60 14 points

SA/SR 45 14 points

5 of spades 14 points

balance point 2839.96
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Tue Aug 06, 2019 5:58 pm

Hi All,
This is an excerpt from a 9 page paper I wrote concerning my research into the Gann material.

Spin and geometry

My interest in spin started with a video clip of Tom Bearden talking about the 20 Maxwell questions and 20 unknowns. Some of the equations involve quaternion algebra which is essentially torsion or spin. To the best of my knowledge none of the Einstein field equations include spin. This was key to understanding why there was an astrological component to the financial markets. See ED33 screenshot attached to this e-mail.

Please watch this ... n35qoCjLYA

Another video clip that caught my attention was one featuring Eric Dollard. Mr. Dollard has done extensive research in the work of Nikola Tesla. He states that all the geometry you need to understand energy can be found in a cone. A horizontal slice will produce a circle. A vertical slice will produce a parabola. Finally, a diagonal slice will produce an ellipse. By combining spin and geometry, a sound platform for chart analysis or astrological analysis can be established since both involve circular movement caused by an imbalance of forces. See Maxwell 57-58 screenshots attached to this e-mail.

I will include a bonus screenshot where I use Earik’s fibo spirals as a proxy for a parabola. I appreciate people who try to figure out old school Gann techniques but you can’t ignore all the advances in science since then.
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Tue Aug 06, 2019 9:04 pm

Hi All,
I want to share with you my basic trading plan.
1. do a 20 year excel file sort to find possible high/low times
2. drive the natals through those times
3. drive the natal turns through the fibo spirals
Before you ask, yes I get the settings for the fibo spirals the night before as well. So if I am getting the natals the night before and I'm getting the spiral settings the night before can the market be random? Even if I'm not doing traditional Gann techniques does this at least prove Gann theory correct? It took me over 20 years to figure out but I do think I've proven Gann was using SCIENCE to trade the markets.

Normally I don't dance in the end zone this is my version of "killing floor."

Only 3 days left people! Give me a few hours and I'll post the settings for tomorrow.
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Tue Aug 06, 2019 11:03 pm

Hi All,
Now tomorrow should be interesting. I started doing experiments and came up with a secondary sort. If you look at the excel times there are 2 scenarios.
1. 639 to 1257 up day
2. 639 to 912 up then down the rest of the day to 1315
So be careful around 900am (Las Vegas time)

balance point 2876.82

SA/SR 72 10 points

SA/SR 24 10 points

queen of diamonds 10 points
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