beta-test e-mini forecast

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beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Mon Jul 29, 2019 1:46 am

Hi All,
I am going to post 2 weeks of settings for the natal forecast for the e-mini. I'm testing the waters on the possibility of offering this as a subscription service. There is a 20 year database that I do sorts on nightly to find days of similar energy. Then I'm driving the natal through those times. As we all know the natal can invert BUT...the last two times this happened the market was bullish.

For those who are fans of the playing cards I have 10 of diamonds set to 15 points. If after 2 weeks there is a significant demand Earik might help me get set-up. So if you see something you like speak up!!!
Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:08 pm

Hi All,
So the first trade would have worked out but the 2nd one not so much. Why? Well I rushed my post last night and didn't give all the details.
1. excel sort said bullish day
2. I didn't give the balance point. Open below look for longs. Open above look for shorts.
3. 1 and 2 should agree. They did so I took a long around 715am.
4. When 1 and 2 don't agree, I use the GEO RD for help. If it is clearly under the market I look for longs. If it is clearly over the market I look for shorts.
At the open that thick aqua RD was over the market which may have been why the down move was so strong

5. A long time ago Feirerabend rewrote the RD script for me. So I also look to see where the helio RD is. Early on it was under so I thought I had a chance to make a fresh high late in the day. BUT...then it jumped over and the market congested the rest of the day.

Playing cards were 10 of diamonds and 15 point
one natal was at 120
the other at 60
I use all the above to set the SA/SR dots
One at 120 and 15 points
The other at 60 and 15 points, both set to NY
I'll do better tonight giving you everything in advance. If you have the GEO RD script I just use default settings. Not sure of the legality of sharing the helio script with people who haven't bought the course. Probably a no-no. Going to take a break but I'll add screenshots and settings for tomorrow before I go to bed. Thanks
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Mon Jul 29, 2019 10:58 pm

Hi All,

natal 60 pushed this natal forward by 9 mins to make it fit forecast better

natal 90

playing cards 8 of spades at 10 points

SA/SR 60 at 10 points set to NY

SA/SR 90 at 10 points set to NY

balance point at 3022.37

open below look for longs

two possible low for day times, 724 or 903, might need to take 2 bites at the apple?

if it opens above then look for where GEO RD is, should be under the price bars to take longs

if the GEO RD is over the bars then the natals MIGHT be inverting

Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Tue Jul 30, 2019 9:03 pm

Hi All,
This is how it turned out. Market was fighting all day. Was able to make 7.00 points before both natals inverted. One small fact I forgot to mention. I noticed that if the forecast is going to flip from regular to inverted or vice versa; it will happen where the natal goes flat. Inversions seem to happen where that natal goes perfectly horizontal.

I know most people don't trade FOMC days. I will at least post the settings for the natal(s) later so you can see how they perform on highly volatile days.
Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:18 am

Hi All,
I have not tested this out on a FOMC day. Don't know what to expect.
Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:36 pm

Hi All,
I'm surprised that it worked this well on a FED day.

1. I added white time boxes to match the excel file sort. 724, 1203 and 1239 plus 1 bar and minus 1 bar
2. In "New Market Wizards" Robert Krausz talked about having a trading plan. After interviewing several hundred traders he found that was the single biggest difference between traders that win and traders that lose. I believe you can build a successful trading plan around these forecasts. I'm proof of that. I have never consistently made money until I figured this "effect" out.

I'll be back in a few hours with tomorrow's settings.
Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:59 am

Hi All,

should be a down day = left translation

balance point 2987.54

7 of hearts 11 points

SA/SR 30 11 points

SA/SR 24 11 points

Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by pear1942 » Thu Aug 01, 2019 8:51 pm

subscription service (look like you made your work ,Succeed , I would be interested in a subscription let me know. pear

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:15 pm

Hi All,
Let review the rules.
1. what does the excel sort say - down
2. where did you open in relation to the balance point? under which implies up
3. geo RD is the tie breaker - at the close of the 1st bar geo RD jumped under the trend is up

At 706am Las Vegas time market punched through helio RD then pulled back. Also there was a natal turn. I took the long and grabbed 15 points out of a 24 point move. Need experience and confidence to maximize the potential of this system. Since both RDs were under I looked for another long at 1100am. But before I could get in Trump announced surprise China tariffs. I didn't want to step in front of a news driven free fall. If I had the nerve, not yet, both RDs were over so I could have shorted near the time I looked for the long (natal inversion).

I now use arrows on my screens to keep track of geo and helio RD locations. If forecasts continue to pan out I will send Earik the script for the helio RD. Only he knows who purchased Market Esoterica course don't want to step on anyone's toes more than I already do. Give me a couple of hours and I'll post settings for tomorrow. Thanks
Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Thu Aug 01, 2019 11:07 pm

Hi All,

excel sort left translation or down day

balance point at 2954.70

10 of clubs 12 points

SA/SR 60 12 points

SA/SR 30 12 points

Best wishes,
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