just sayin', part 3

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just sayin', part 3

Post by abacaba » Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:45 pm

Attached is a chart showing the revised price projection with the same fixed circle. The screenshot shows the hotspots/nodal points that were used. I consider the model to have done its job at this point. Onward.

SPY_4.9.18_circle_breakout.jpg (83.58 KiB) Viewed 15611 times

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Re: just sayin', part 3

Post by earik » Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:28 pm

Nice job. :mrgreen:


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Re: just sayin', part 3

Post by sbank » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:29 pm

What does the 174 price represent?

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Re: just sayin', part 3

Post by abacaba » Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:09 pm

Hi sbank,

That nodal point is an artifact from the placement of the original circle as derived from the generating three nodal points. It's a little hard to see on the chart, but the very small blue hotspot circles, one in 2016 and two in 2018, show these. That price is from the low on 11.8.03 which was 174.85 (no quibble about that extra penny). As you can see below, that price/time event participates in the larger structure. This was clear only after the circle was drawn.
spy_circle_node.JPG (44.6 KiB) Viewed 15591 times
This then became fair game for x,y price projection. That's what I show. Basically, a range is selected from the center of the circle to a nodal point on the circle, with the range further subdivided. For instance, this nodal subdivision of the range from the 11.8.03 low to the 9.20.18 high projected the 10.11.18 low. (chart below)
spy_circle_levels_new.JPG (61.26 KiB) Viewed 15591 times
All the ranges from the various structurally significant nodal points on the circle to the circle center or from the circle to price high/low will show similar behavior, both in projecting resistance as in the original post and support as above. So you've got two things going on, price breaking out of the circle indicating a change of state after extreme disequilibrium, and price projection from the circle itself. Hope that helps!


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Re: just sayin', part 3

Post by sbank » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:11 pm

Nice thanks for the in-depth explanation. I enjoy learning. :)

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