Systems Workshop: "Buttonwood" E-mini daytrading system

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Re: Systems Workshop: "Buttonwood" E-mini daytrading system

Post by orionsbelt » Fri Nov 13, 2015 12:43 am

thanks Earik.
i will see if i can find an advantage using USM.
if i add the "len1(8)" and "smooth(4)" to the top input section of "buttonwood_v5" will i be able to change the smooth parameter when optimizing or just the length of USM if i add it there?
if not, how can i do that to be able to change both the USM length and the smooth parameters during optimization testing runs?


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Re: Systems Workshop: "Buttonwood" E-mini daytrading system

Post by orionsbelt » Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:24 am

here are the results of my "USM_Signal" optimization tests. Note, all the following also had the "no trades after 1430."
the "best results" i got from:

1. just USM by itself was around $22

2. buttonwood_signal (SMA) and USM combined $41

3. buttonwood_signal (AMA) and USM combined $24

4. buttonwood_signal (EMA) and USM combined up to $51

5. channel_breakout (SMA) and USM combined $27

6. channel_breakout (AMA) and USM combined $35

7. channel_breakout (EMA) and USM combined $27

8. buttonwood_signal (SMA) and channel_breakout (AMA) and USM combined $27

will test more, but since buttonwood_signal (EMA) and USM provided the best results of the group i will test more variations of them.
anyone have any other ideas on how to further test these scenarios?

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Re: Systems Workshop: "Buttonwood" E-mini daytrading system

Post by sbank » Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:05 am

You broke the $50 boundary. Nice job!

I have not posted much as I have not made an appreciable differences. I normally would post all the stuff that I have tried and failed, but I do not want to sway anyone from not trying various indicators. I really love the fractal indicator, so I am trying to force-fit that square in the hexagon hole as we speak.

I am a also big fan of Ehlers' books so have been trying a bunch of his (proprietary?) cycle indicators as he writes about. But to no avail, they have not backtested well. Maybe I should re-think my opinion of him. :lol:

Edit: I forgot to ask what your max drawdown was. Relying on just the average trade size is a good quick check, but you need to take the sum of the whole and all that jazz when looking at this stuff. :|

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Re: Systems Workshop: "Buttonwood" E-mini daytrading system

Post by DC1 » Thu Nov 19, 2015 2:40 pm

Well thank you for posting your results of your system testing !

I can't seem to get my head around why the board is so quiet about this particular subject.

I have to assume 1. everyone already has everything working well.
2. no one wants to share there experience.
(which is totally not my experience with the members here)
3. no one knows how to use the programming language to give any input

For all of us dummies with this programming could you take the time to show us how you actually put something into Buttonwood.

I know that the instructions given here provide programmers with the information.
However if you don't understand the programming you don't know what the instructions even mean or that the instructions being given are in fact instructions!

Earik can attest to my continued requests for elementary instruction on how to do something

My fortran4 was my last computer program info! Although I can do numerous things with it here 2 to 4 thousand lines of code kind of makes Wave cranky!

This language and how to use it evades me to this day
Perhaps there are others in this position as well

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Re: Systems Workshop: "Buttonwood" E-mini daytrading system

Post by Simon.B » Fri Nov 20, 2015 5:00 am

Hi Dc1,

All your thoughts are a nice try :D, but it's much simpler than that - no one can come up with anything worth wile in testing, and testing many different variations takes a long time anyway.

I was hoping we will get a thread like this one going for a good while, however I don't believe that a decent system can be created on 5 min. chart of ES. And even if we get to numbers like $60 or $70 trade average, there are many other reasons why a system like this would not be usable real time. It's exciting to work on a system which shows good promise, but if we consider real world for a minute - margins, account size required to make decent profits in a any one year, periods when system goes flat or in a draw down for a good while, allowing for possibility that our largest draw down is still ahead, Earik wrote that one should have a $15,000 in his account for every contract of ES traded, if you put all this together - this becomes a chase after something you can not make decent profits with even if you catch it :D .

I think we should try to use a longer time frame than 5 min.


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Re: Systems Workshop: "Buttonwood" E-mini daytrading system

Post by DC1 » Fri Nov 20, 2015 4:51 pm

Well rather then we are chasing a profit from an impossible position.

I think we are chasing the profit with an impossible tool the moving average and channels are not the answer.
The process has been started with an astro technique and now we have switched out of that into a well known lagging indicators to get the entry and exit points!

What happened to the astro techniques?

Don't seem to be able to get the happy face or :o :o

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Re: Systems Workshop: "Buttonwood" E-mini daytrading system

Post by earik » Fri Nov 20, 2015 9:33 pm

Hi Guys,

The shorter the time frame, the larger costs/slippage become in relative terms. Just examining the average trade value itself is enough to prove this point - for daily systems, we tend to end up in the $300/trade range or so, and on daily systems, we tend to end up around $40-$50/trade. So with the daily system, you can trade market orders and as a percentage, it's still just a tiny piece of the pie. With an intraday system, a market order on the way in and a market order on the way out chops your profits literally in half. Add the huge amount of extra noise and churning that happens on intraday charts, and you'll see why I ended up completely skipping over them in the MTS book. This is the difference between learning to swim in the kiddie pool down at the local rec center, or out in the middle of the Colorado River just before you hit some class 5 rapids. Yes, both are possible, but the chances of success (and survival in general) are completely different in those two environments. Trading isn't the same on all time frames.

I've been building mechanical systems for almost 20 years now, and during that time I've built a lot of systems that I was proud of, and which made money for me. I talk about a lot of them in that book, but there are plenty more. I've never had one blow up in my face (whew!), and I often literally had more systems than I was able to actually trade. The thing they had in common is that they were all based on daily charts. Coming to short intraday time frames, I also have systems for that, but I can count the good ones on one hand, and I don't even need to use very many fingers. That's how much more difficult it is to do this on intraday charts.

But, it can be done, and all the negatives (cost/slippage/etc) can be overcome. So it's not an impossible mission as Simon suggests, just REALLY, REALLY, hard. I think the issue is that due to mostly fraudulent advertising on the part of unscrupulous vendors, a lot of us enter into this business with a really skewed idea as far as what is possible with this kind of approach. Just take a look at anything that you get in the mail from those guys in Asheville NC (whatever that company is called) and their "Local mom makes 2,500% per week, trading just 3 minutes per day!" promotions that they send every other week. You get sort of brainwashed into believing that trading is a get-rich-quick scheme that any idiot can learn in a day. I sure approached things in that way when I first started, and it took some hard knocks to clear all that out of my head. Fairy tales sell trading courses, and unfortunately lots of beginners blow up before they realize about how difficult being a professional trader can be.

Too much ranting? :oops:

One of the reasons I wanted to do a 5min time frame in this particular thread is that I've never seen a 5min system that actually worked anywhere outside of my own stuff, and I've spent a lot of time looking, especially in my early days. Honestly, this is the first one that I think actually exists for use outside the original developer, and it's free. How about that? ;) I think we'll end up with something in the $55-$60/average trade range, and you can definitely trade something like that, but again, it's much more involved and difficult than trading a daily chart. But, the annual rates of return are higher than the daily systems as well, provided you can deal with the cost issue (which isn't insurmountable, btw).

Anyway, regarding DC's comment about using moving averages for the entries... Please re-read the first 10 or posts in this thread, back on pages 1 and 2, especially the "Conceptual Overview" post. We haven't ditched the astro techniques, we are just using them in combination with technical indicators, which is what we've done from the start. Astro tells us when to trade or not to trade, and technicals tell us whether to go long or short. Since we're building mechanical systems here, there's no room for subjectivity - the best tools get the jobs over the worst tools, and we decide which tool is "good" and which tool is "bad" based completely on system reports. So for an astro tool to replace the moving average, we need an astro tool that can mechanically trigger the buy/sell signals using a completely rule based approach, just as the averages have done. That is much easier said than done, and I honestly don't know what I'd use on a 5min chart from the astro toolbox to replace those averages....



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Re: Systems Workshop: "Buttonwood" E-mini daytrading system

Post by Simon.B » Sat Nov 21, 2015 9:33 pm

Hi Earik,

I obviously agree with everything you said, I have been in this business a long time also, even though I never used mechanical systems for my own trading, I've read quite a bit about them, and have tried a few also. It didn't take more than a few examples to know that short term intraday system would be a very difficult task.

Since we do have a much more private setting in this forum now, I will talk a little about one of my intraday setups which I have been using for many years now with good results. This particular one is continuation setup, so entry always goes in direction of main trend, nothing really new here, you and other folks often recommended to wait for retracement and then enter once Market is ready to join prevailing trend. So when I was trying to come up with profitable approach, years ago, it was in a sense the same thing as writing mechanical trading system only to be used manually.

So for a long time of course any indicator which I tried would eventually blow up. So I started thinking in terms of a two step process to create a trade entry - a setup and a trigger. Now this is something similar to what we set out to do here, the astro part of it is a setup and MA's are triggers. Over time I came to conclusion, based on results of course, that it mattered very little which set of triggers I was using, whether it was MA's, RSI, BB or anything else - setup is where the profits were. So I found a setup which works consistently more or less for intraday system.

I don't think the setup we are using is good enough for short term system like 5 min, especially since we are determining only once per day if it exists. There has to be a valid, well tested setup in place before every single trade. If we are talking about $60 average trade, the only way a system with such a low trade number can work is if we have a win rate of 70% plus, and a good setup before every trade allows for that to happen.

Have to run now, more later.

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Re: Systems Workshop: "Buttonwood" E-mini daytrading system

Post by orionsbelt » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:51 pm

Hi DC1 and everyone

first off i am not a programmer by any means. i still cannot really create something from scratch but i am getting better at creating functions and indicators from templates already prepared from similar styled functions and indicators. for example creating a function for different types of moving averages and exchanging them in and out of an existing system indicator like buttonwood. so DC1 (or anyone here), i can help you get to where i am at if you want (if you are not already there), not that it is very far but you can start to at least test some things out. so, i assume you have downloaded all of Earik's buttonwood scripts into w59 and make sure you watch his videos from here in the webinar archives ( and look at the March 9, 2010, or April 16, 2010 webinars.

and then ask very specific questions about what step you are at and what you are having trouble doing and i or someone else here can try our best to help.

a funny tidbit about when i first found this thread is that i literally just finished reading a chapter of a book that i am currently reading that briefly mentioned the "buttonwood" story and it was not five minutes later that i first discovered Earik's "buttonwood" mechanical system thread here so, that really peaked my interest and i knew that i needed to pay attention to what this thread would entail.

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Re: Systems Workshop: "Buttonwood" E-mini daytrading system

Post by orionsbelt » Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:06 am

sbank, et al,

here are the results of the buttonwood_signal (EMA) and USM combined that you wanted to see

Code: Select all

Parameters,Profit/Loss,Accuracy,Num. Trades,Avg. Win,Avg. Loss,Avg. Trade,Win/Loss Ratio,Profit Factor,Max. Drawdown,Max. DD %
i have also tested waverage with many different combinations as the xaverage and gotten similar results.

comments welcome

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