Trading prowess

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Trading prowess

Post by sbank » Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:10 pm

Ever see that bell chart meme? The one where the first and last area of the chart is the same? I feel like I just hit that.

I was watching (Many years ago) a bunch of the Earik Beann trading videos. For example, if you own the Astro book he includes some videos of him trading. It is so simple the way he does it. Just a couple of rules, and at the end of the week a nice little profit.

Fast forward a bunch of years, and here I am doing quantum mechanics nonsense to try to "outsmart" the market. (Some working, some not working.)

Then just like 5 minutes ago, I had this realization that I am making everything way toooooooo complex. "Just trade like Earik" is what popped into my head (and thus the bell curve meme also just popped into my head.)

Just wanted to share that sometimes, simple is what works best. (And of course simple does not mean easy. lol)

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