beta-test e-mini forecast

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Wed Aug 07, 2019 6:59 pm

Hi All,
I going to pull the plug on this experiment 2 days early. I'm done. The problem is I don't explain exactly what it is I'm doing and people don't get it. Sorry about that its my fault. I assumed if people already knew how to trade then a road map would be enough of a statistical advantage to get them in the black.

Now if there is a business savvy person in the crowd that can help me explain this better and monetize it, by all means, contact me. I'll post the after screenshots in a couple of hours. Thanks again for your time and attention.
Best wishes,

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Wed Aug 07, 2019 9:14 pm

Hi All,
I going to bitch and moan for a minute.
The people that get what I am doing and are in a position to help me, WON'T
The people that I am trying to help, DON'T GET IT

Part of the problem is I'm only showing part of a full answer. I was hoping to monetize the partial and show more later. That looks like that isn't going to happen. Take my word for it, I have a full Gann inspired answer. Maybe someday you'll be able to see it?

Until then in my twisted mind I'm 1977 Roger Moore
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Sun Oct 27, 2019 6:33 pm

Hi All,
I know it has been a while since my last post. I thought I would give you an update as to where I am at. It is my belief that I am truly finished with the day trading time frame. As long as the instrument in question has been trading for at least 20 years I could successfully forecast/trade that instrument. Where do I go from here?

Before I went to the Chicago seminar I was messing around with the natal forecast using just the moon. At the end of every day I would go through all the possible settings and there was always a “best of” that really described the market action. Then I went to the seminar and added in a couple of planets in addition to the moon, which makes it even better. I still was having the problem of finding the “best of” settings before the market opened. At this point I started doing database sorts to help me narrow down the selection. If you look at today’s screenshots I truly feel that I am done. The first screenshot are the days I am tying out to. From that sort I have 3 possible natals. The 45 natal is clearly the best. I’ve been able to do this every day for the past two weeks.

When I started this project back in 1997 I had some goals in mind.

Trade 200 days a year
Find 2 to 4 low risk, high probable set-ups.
Get as close to 80% winners as possible
Make somewhere between 5 to 10 points per day after slippage, losses and comm.
I truly think with what I have this is no longer a pipe dream but doable.

To be clear, I’m taking a database of 5500 days and getting it down to 3 to 5 days with similar “energy” and using that to find my natals. The 64 billion dollar question is, how the hell am I going to do this on an EOD basis? Do you think there is a way to convert a day into a year or into a season (3 month chart)? Most people aren’t going to be day traders but end of day traders. If I could find EOD natals for the year or season then we would really have something worth selling. Any thoughts? I think someday if we all get together and I tell you guys what I am using in my sorts then maybe we could come up with some kind of conversion.

Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:57 pm

Hi Guys,

So I wanted to see if I could find the same effect on the 3 month (daily bars) and the yearly chart (weekly bars) with the natal. See for yourself not too shabby. The only problem is I have nothing to tie out to like I do with the day trading bars. BUT…the effect is still there.

My last post was Oct 27th and I was at 1622 views. Today I’m at 1901 views! Clearly there is a demand for a correctly set up natal. It isn’t a standalone by any means but it doesn’t take a genius to build trading tools around it.

I think the Donald Bradley’s siderography was going in the right direction and is proof of concept. Having the natal with settings you can tweak helps you dial it in as long as you have something as a guide to help you. I think a trading platform with 3 time frames is the way to go. Hopefully in the next year or two we can all get together and figure out the natal on the higher time frames because it does work😊

Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:49 am

Hi All,
Okay here is where I am at.
1. I'm trying to find the best natal settings for 3 time frames (day, 52 day and year) with one massive database.
2. There is ALWAYS a best of natal for all 3 time frames.
3. I have day trading time frame dialed in.
4. I can get down to 10-15 observations for the 52 day and the year but have yet to get it down to the best 1 or 2.
I am going to rack my brain over Thanksgiving break to see if I can make any breakthroughs. If I can then I would have an ideal basis for a 3 time frame trading platform where all the natal forecasts are automatically configured for you. Gann on steroids!!!
Best wishes,
my examples are of true fractal nature of the market. The 2 days look very similar to the 52 day cycle.
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Fri Dec 06, 2019 11:03 pm

Hi All,
My favorite all time series on HBO was True Detective season 1. I know nobody watches HBO anymore. You young people and your FM radio. The point being it took them 10-15 years to solve the case. Sometimes you have revisit old material with fresh eyes. For example the two screenshot attachments. The horizontal lines are from Earik's astroTRADER. The rectangles are EOD playing cards progressed on a day trading time frame.

When I first looked at these indicators I didn't see their value, now I do. I apply them completely differently than the way Earik might but that is okay. I know a hell of a lot more than when I first started. I guess what I am trying to say is, when you get a chance revisit all your old materials and see if you can't find a way to make them useful. Earik has many really great and original ideas BUT...if you don't apply them correctly then you don't maximize their true potential.
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Fri Dec 13, 2019 7:47 pm

Hi All,
I was going through all my files trying to make what I already have better. I came across this book and re-read it. A couple of things popped out and are worth noting. Here is a short list of the really bright people who believe in astrology.
1. Carl Jung
2. Francis Bacon (developed the scientific method)
3. Lord Napier (inventor of algorithms)
4. Ben Franklin
5. Isaac Newton
I didn't know who Jung was so I found a couple of short videos to explain who he was.

Second, the book gives a model of how astrology actually works. Very similar to what Dr. Al Larson found.
Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Fri Jan 03, 2020 11:39 pm

Hi All,
So here is how the playing cards worked out on the 52 EOD version. Not too shabby. You can add in the natal forecast or the bradley if you like. Other geometries are also helpful. I added in the countdown, both helio and geo RDs (Earik has the scripts) and the exhaustion dots.

Wink Martindale - Deck Of Cards

He is comparing a deck of cards to the Bible.

Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Fri Jan 10, 2020 11:42 pm

Hi All,
I wanted to give you updates as to where I am at. I think the 52 day and 52 week time frames are possible BUT...for right now I'm happy and satisfied with the day trading. My complete answer consists of
1. Bull-bear zones based on 20 years worth of excel file data
2. Most correct natal forecast
3. Three drawing tools - ellipse, circle and parabola (fibo spiral). All energy based!!!
That is all you need to get 2 to 4 high probable, low risk set ups a day with no overnight risk.

At the risk of sounding arrogant, I never met ANYONE who can set up geometric tools consistently the night before the trading day. They either curve fit or they get lucky once in a while. It is not that I am that smart but after 2 decades you tend to make happy accidents and walk into a great discoveries. At some point in 2020, I'll start posting actual trades with proof. If I do, it will be of consecutive days so you no there is no bs.

If I stole anybody's thunder, sorry. I'm just being honest about my research.

Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by sbank » Sat Jan 11, 2020 4:32 am

Looks good NDscorpini!

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