beta-test e-mini forecast

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:04 pm

Hi All,

I recently made the best discovery yet in my 23 year journey. I figured out how to correctly set up the flower of life.

Davinci was obsessed with it
Guardian Lion in China is standing on flower of life
Nasim shows a laser burned flower of life in Egypt
My point being it was a significant geometric shape in the ancient world. I need lots more data to be sure it isn’t a fluke but if it isn’t…stay tuned.

Best wishes,

As always I set it up the night BEFORE the market opens ;)
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:20 pm

Hi All,
pear1924 PM me and wanted to see the flower of life with my settings. I do it 2 ways. One the night before and one I truck over to the first gann swing of the day. It isn't a standalone tool but quite helpful with all the other stuff I use.
Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Sat Jul 18, 2020 6:49 pm

Hi All,
It has been said that two of Gann's biggest influences were Pythagoras and Michael Faraday. ... tems...%20

Out of the top 20 quotes from Faraday here are my favorite two.

1. Nothing is too wonderful to be true if it is consistent with the laws of nature.

7. A natural law regulates the advance of science. Where only observation can be made, the growth of knowledge creeps; where laboratory experiments can be carried on, knowledge leaps forward.

It all comes down to natural law and experimentation, right?
Best wishes,

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:32 pm

Hi All,
I just got this in my inbox today. I am a big fan of his work. Direct connection to WD Gann with his material on natural law and the occult.
Natural Law Documentary Trailer #1 - Full Documentary Coming In 2020!
full version

Best wishes,

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:40 pm

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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Thu Sep 03, 2020 1:01 am

Hi All,
Is astrology real? Is alchemy real? I am of the opinion that astrology is really astro-physics and alchemy is really a LENR (low energy nuclear reaction). The problem was that they didn't have the technology to do the necessary experiments.

Look at the nelson screenshot. I couldn't upload the files so you will have to find them online. He worked RCA and did research on the Sun. When certain astrological aspects happened it effected telecommunications here on Earth. If Gann were alive today he might be using astro-physics not astrology BUT...he had no choice he had to use the tools of the day.

There is a documentary on Sir Issac Newton called the "Dark side of Newton." Newton was into alchemy. Look at Russel and transmutation screenshots. Walter Russell was able to transmutate water into different elements 17 times. This was back in the 1920s. What do you think Newton could do today with a modern lab? If Newton were alive today he might be using LENR not alchemy BUT...he had no choice but to use the tools of the day.
Howard Stark to Tony
Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:59 pm

Hi All,
I want to talk about two people I admire as problem solvers.

Dr. Merrill Garnett
He wanted to develop a cure for cancer back in the late 1940's. Most doctors were going at the problem from a genetic standpoint. Dr. Garnett thought it was a metabolic problem. After trying 20,000 combinations he finally got a product on the market in the early 1990's. So 40 years and 20,000 combinations - that is commitment!

Frank Zappa
fast forward to 3 min and 08 sec
Zappa thought that most music sounded repetitive because musicians used the same cords. He found a way to alter the application of cords so his music sounds different than anybody else's. Its about identifying the problem and how you go about solving it.
black napkins live

Best wishes,

I always play "concentration" in my head. I'm always looking for matches. I think Tesla and Zappa have the same intense stare.
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:08 pm

Hi All,
This is a follow up to my last post. The work of Nelson proves astrology is in fact astro-physics. What I like to do is have a cheap experiment available to prove proof of concept. Take a look at the attached screenshots of a plasma globe.
1. incoherent energy field when no fingers are applied
2. coherent energy field when fingers are applied. (either a trine or square?) ... rnado.html

Go to the bottom of the page, large plasma globes, video is on the right. Watch it for yourself people.

Best wishes,
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Sun Sep 13, 2020 8:22 pm

Hi All,
This thread is slowly coming to an end. Within the next one or two weeks I will post real trades taken with real money. BUT...before I do that I wanted to post a little more from my 9 pages on Gann. Some of the links no longer work and some of the people I mention are now dead. Dr. Hank Pruden of Golden Gate University and John Bedini have both died since I started writing this paper. The youtube links from Talking to Leedskalin all got taken down. What I find interesting is that Boscovich based his physics on Pythagoras which is one of Gann's biggest influences.
Best wishes,

I studied Finance at UNLV. Most of what is taught is from the fundamental perspective.
“The biggest part of fundamental analysis involves delving into the financial statements. Also known as quantitative analysis, this involves looking at revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities and all the other financial aspects of a company. Fundamental analysts look at this information to gain insight on a company's future performance. A good part of this tutorial will be spent learning about the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and how they all fit together.”
(The above is taken directly from Investopedia)
Traditional technical analysis is the study of bar charts. In looking for patterns, a technical analyst will try to use the past to predict the future. From my experience, it is a 50-50 proposition that any given trade will work out. BUT…if you use Gann analysis and approach the chart from a science perspective (physics, electrical engineering and chemistry) the outcome is quite different.
I sent Roger Anderton some information about Gann. The follow quote is taken from his e-mail. “Gann is very interesting. It sounds like he was dealing with physics around at his time of ideas similar to Boscovich.” This was the first time I got a response from someone in the scientific community that confirmed that Gann was probably on to something. When you ask someone with a finance background about Gann they assume he is a charlatan because his analysis is completely separate discipline of which they know nothing about. See Pythagoras3 and Gann11 screenshots attached to this e-mail. ... 1Qw/videos
Roger Anderton on Unified Field Theory
Most people can’t figure out how Gann was able to accomplish what he did so it is easier to label him as a fraud. Before I started this long and expensive journey I had to establish providence that Gann was real. This was deceptively easy but you can’t overlook the obvious. Who interviewed Gann for his famous 1909 Ticker Digest Article? Richard D. Wyckoff.
He was a legitimate heavyweight in the world of finance. It is doubtful that Gann could have fooled him. I have had correspondence with Dr. Hank Pruden of Golden Gate University who specializes in teaching the Wyckoff method of trading.
The big clue was what was found in Gann’s library after his death. The only books on trading were the ones he authored. All the other books in his library were science based. Gann had a suggested reading list of 80 books to help people understand his courses. The link below includes 21 of them. ... t-21-Books
In addition, Gann was a Free Mason who wrote in riddles, especially on the topics of the Bible and astrology. Once people who have a finance background realize this fact, they stop researching Gann. I did not read the 80 books. Instead I did a google search on causality and the law of vibration (from the 1909 article). This led to Royal Raymond Rife (medicine) and Nikola Tesla (electrical engineering). By researching their material I was able to figure out Gann. It is truly natural law that is applicable to all disciplines of science.
To the best of my knowledge no one has ever made the comparison to W.D. Gann, Ed Leedskalnin and the Bible. If you watched the above videos on astro-theology they clearly illustrate hidden meanings in the text. Similar hidden meanings can be found in W.D. Gann’s books especially “The Tunnel Thru the Air.” In addition, there is another book Gann authored “The Magic Word” which also has hidden bible references. ... ru-the-air ... e_air.html
Ed Leedskalnin single handedly built Coral Castle and was either a Freemason, like Gann, or was at least mentored by one. There are several hidden meanings in Ed’s writings and built into Coral Castle itself. ... ture=watch
The most interesting observation that I heard was from free energy pioneer John Bedini. He speculated that Ed’s “sweet sixteen” was not a girl but a wheel with 16 spokes. This wheel would have angles between the spokes at 22.5 degrees. (The tilt of the Earth’s axis is approximately 23 degrees.)
He built his Ferris wheel based on these angles!!!
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Re: beta-test e-mini forecast

Post by NDscorpini » Sun Sep 13, 2020 8:27 pm

Hi again,
Sorry I forgot to add this part.

Degree Angle Energy State
0 conjunction aether or zero point, pos and neg together equal zero
180 opposition magnetism, charges at opposite ends create a magnet
90 square electricity, magnet moved 90 degrees to conductor equals electricity
45 semi-square chemistry, 8th harmonic of a circle, 8 divisions of elements, Pythagoras
22.5 ??? Solar, Earth’s axis 23 degrees, Ed’s sweet 16, Bedini’s wheel

People that understand Gann the most, in my opinion, have an engineering background, specifically electrical.
Bonnie Lee Hill, Dr. Ruth Miller, Brad Cowan and Dr. Al Larson to name a few.
If you look at how Hollywood portrays the stock and commodity markets
1.  Wall Street
2.  Wall Street 2
3.  Trading Places
4.  Boiler Room
5.  The Wolf of Wall Street
6.  Rogue Trader
7. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
8. Margin Call
9. Arbitrage
10. Billionaire Boys Club
11. Inside Job
12. Too Big to Fail
13. Capitalism: A Love Story
14. Rollover
15. The Big Short
16. Billions (Showtime series)
17. Madoff (made for TV ABC)
18. Wallstreet Warriors (channel MOJO)
19. The Bank

The markets are random and can’t be predicted. Most traders are either gamblers and/or con artists. I can’t think of one movie that has anything but negative things to say about investing/trading.

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