Range Bars (finally!)

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Range Bars (finally!)

Post by earik » Fri Jun 15, 2018 6:06 pm

Hi Gang,

It's been quiet for some time, and I wanted to give you all an update on what I've been tinkering with. It took me 10+ years :( but I finally got the courage up to tear W59 apart and make room for new bar types. I won't go into details, but it was a pretty big deal. Anyway, range bars are officially running, but only for Oanda at this point. I wanted to do something nice for the Forex traders, since they've been suffering for awhile, and Oanda is an easier feed to deal with from a bandwidth perspective than some of the others. I'll probably just release that part now in 2.34, and then work on incorporating other other feeds moving forward.

Anyway, check this out: a scaled range bar chart. Each bar is 0.25% of the last close, and the chart is scaled at 5 pips/bar. All the regular tools work just fine. The one on the chart that tagged the recent low is straight out of Market Estoerica. :D
EUR_USD with Flower of Life
EUR_USD_Flower.png (71.32 KiB) Viewed 16230 times
(right click and open chart in a new tab to see a bigger version)



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Re: Range Bars (finally!)

Post by NDscorpini » Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:24 am

Please go into detail!!! What kind of other bar types will you be able to build with range bars. Clearly, it has to be something substantial if you spent 10 plus years working on it.
Best wishes,

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Re: Range Bars (finally!)

Post by earik » Sat Jun 16, 2018 11:58 pm

Hi ND,

I didn't spent 10 years building it. I spend 10 years procrastinating getting started.... :? The issue was that originally W59 was built for time bars only, and to change that meant I had to go redo some functions that were so entrenched that they touched almost every other piece of the overall program. It was just a ton of work.

Anyway, this lets W59 look at a bar as something other than a slice of time. So now we can do all sorts of things. Range bars are first, then I'll add others once it looks like everything is going to work. There are lots of possibilities. The coolest one (in my opinion) will be degree bars, where you can say that one bar is 1 degree movement of planet X, and the bar will be correct down to the second that planet crosses into a new degree. ;)

Originally, all of this was going to come out as PRO3, but now I'm just going to throw bits and pieces up a little at a time.



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Re: Range Bars (finally!)

Post by David » Sun Jun 17, 2018 3:51 pm


thanx for all of your hard work Earik :D

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Re: Range Bars (finally!)

Post by NDscorpini » Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:34 pm

Earik my old friend,
Glad to see you back on the horse. Maybe if this new material turns into a major breakthrough you can have another Wave59 seminar in Las Vegas (we can meet face to face finally). This message board is a dying wasteland without you.

Hopefully the forex traders will post charts of the cool, new stuff once it becomes available. I can't wait!!!
Best wishes,

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Re: Range Bars (finally!)

Post by sbank » Mon Jun 18, 2018 12:14 pm

I would also love to attend the next PUC. :)

And my vote is for tick bars to be done after the degree bars. :)

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Re: Range Bars (finally!)

Post by earik » Mon Jun 18, 2018 4:35 pm

Tick bars are scheduled. I couldn't do them with Oanda, because they don't send every tick. But when IQFeed is finally up and running, they'll show up. Volume bars too.
This message board is a dying wasteland without you.
Regarding that... I've been thinking maybe being all secret like this isn't the best option. Maybe we should open it back up and let other people in here. It's definitely too quiet.



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Re: Range Bars (finally!)

Post by sbank » Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:31 am

It's definitely too quiet.
What about a hosted chat? Maybe use Discord or Band?

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Re: Range Bars (finally!)

Post by earik » Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:09 pm

Hi Gang,

2.34 is out! If you're an Oanda user, check it out. Note that you'll need to download the big installer rather than just the regular update, as you need to get the OandaCollector utility, which is a stand-alone program that has to run in addition to W59.

Eventually this collector will grow to encompass more than just Oanda, so there's some stuff in there that doesn't apply only to Forex. For example, you can use the collector to send text messages to W59, and ask for charts, position updates, etc. :D



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Re: Range Bars (finally!)

Post by David » Sun Jun 24, 2018 3:35 pm


Okay for some us that are on the small yellow bus :shock: Where exactly is version 2.34? I opened up the platform :arrow: help :arrow: about :arrow: update platform and it said no updates available. I then went to member login and the current version is 2.33

Oanda collector I looked for that bad boy also and cant find it. Hmm can you help out for a hot minute.


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