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morbid topic

Post by NDscorpini » Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:25 pm

Hi All,
I just recently found out the guy who taught the Pitchfork Primer died in 2015. So I started thinking about all the trading heavyweights that have passed away since I started my journey in 1997. I'm sure there are some that I might have missed.
Best wishes,

1. Bruce Babcock- reality based trading
2. Dr. Ruth Miller - Gann inspired course writer
3. George Lane - stochastic developer
4. Gordon Dean DeRoos - pitchfork primer
5. Neil A. Costa - Gann seminars/researcher
6. Robert Krausz - Fibonacci Trader
7. Nelson Freeburg - researcher/newsletter
8. Joe Rondinone - Gann's last student (symmetrics)
9. Maynard Holt - Holt commodities course (not sure if he is dead or retired)
10. William Erman - Ermanometry

Brad F. Cowan is retired and doesn't deal with the public anymore.

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