Bertha Talk

This is a general purpose room for anything that doesn't seem to fit into any of the more specialized areas.
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Bertha Talk

Post by tag59 » Sat Mar 11, 2017 5:16 pm

Hi Earik,

Quite sometime ago I made an interesting observation about Bertha that I thought you'd like, but I'm not sure how to say it. I could speak in relatively indecipherable Bertha jargon, just say it, or keep it to myself for now. What do you suggest?


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Re: Bertha Talk

Post by earik » Sat Mar 11, 2017 5:56 pm

Hi Gary,

LOL. You can just say it. The whole board is private now, so it's not such a big deal to keep it all secret. Only other W59 people will see it, and that's fine since they're family. ;) Thanks for asking tho.



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Re: Bertha Talk

Post by tag59 » Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:17 pm

Hi Earik and Bertha people,

A short while after UTM was published, I posted two Bertha templates on the old bulletin board: one with two adjacent Bertha cycles and one with three. To create a one dimensional Bertha template, I used what I learned from your book. Now after doing a zillion B counts, I'd say I would not change the template at all; I'm very happy with it. I recall spending hours staring at the two adjacent B cycles template and coming up with a number of observations. I came up with a way to link all even B points together and a way to link all odd B points together - relative to the template. The observation that I wanted to discuss here is where two adjacent B cycles theoretically match. According to the template (which again, I totally believe in), two adjacent B cycles line up in exactly two places: at a low - the blue verticals, and at a high - p5 on any B cycle, and p9 on the next lower dimension. How appropriate, the highest high, theoretically at p5 and p9, i.e. 59!

Of further interest, is what we have coming up. According to my analysis, on the 1024w B cycle (using monthly bars), we are now working on p5. On the 256w B cycle (using weekly bars), p9 is coming up too. This 59 combo, which theoretically occurs at the end of July, 2017, may mark the end of move from Mar 2009. The last time the 1024w B cycle had p5 was mid 2000; it was paired with 256w p5 in that instance.


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Re: Bertha Talk

Post by orionsbelt » Sun Mar 19, 2017 1:43 pm

Thanks Gary,

that is some valuable input as everyone is trying to figure out when a top may come in.
thank you very much.

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Re: Bertha Talk

Post by tag59 » Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:17 pm

Hi orionsbelt,

Please be careful in reading too much into my statements. The large Bertha cycle I was referring to is nearly 20 years long. The last occurrence of the 59 combo that I wrote about, theoretically occurred in 1998; it never actually occurred at all. The The 1024 week Bertha point 5 was the top in 2000, and it was paired with a different 256 week Bertha point.

If you're not a Bertha person, not much of that should have made much sense. My main point is: Don't think a top comes July 2017 because Bertha said so.

My analysis of these very long term Bertha cycles suggests that a top is coming indeed, but it may come mid 2017 or it could be sometime in 2018. Shorter Bertha cycles and more price data are needed to narrow the window.


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Re: Bertha Talk

Post by nagib63 » Tue May 16, 2017 6:53 am

Hi earik and Bertha people

What happen to the idea of a members-only bulletin board ? Maybe it will be easier to begin a new one without uploading the old Bertha if it is so difficult.

happy trading

best regards


"All purchasers of this manual will gain access to a members-only bulletin board where they may interact with the author and other users of this material". Earik Beann
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Re: Bertha Talk

Post by rlygangesh » Tue May 16, 2017 11:33 am

i m exploring bertha with my market, finding good projection so far but still a long way to go
here one problem comes a lot we have to trade only with market structure , we can't play contra so less number of trade generated,

recently one thought come in my mind after seeing one of the website, they are claiming 60% of accuracy but i can say that he is 50% accurate if one take a error of 2 bar,
one can't trade it blindly his system only , it will only help for second confirmation if need
They are using MACD/RSI like oscillator to predict future time projection on any chart any time frame, i have taken a session with him , he use 2 weeks(1 min TF) or more data , note the time when MACD/RSI peak & through within 2 weeks , average the all of his time with his algorithm & plot this historical time average in future one or two day ahead.

as far as i see that his result comes poor because he use lag indicator to generate future projection , macd projection is more accurate than RSI, so smoothness is also a problem ,

i was thinking that if one use USM than good forecast will be generated, after getting this forecast with multiple TF we can use Bertha to pin point in time value in advance
if we can use time time value & different price value (25/50/100 ) along with angle than we can pin point more accurate turning point in advance,

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Re: Bertha Talk

Post by rlygangesh » Tue May 16, 2017 5:26 pm

i also have some disagreement with book but i don't know i m the right person to ask
if Earik sir permit than i will post my question & oberservation

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Re: Bertha Talk

Post by earik » Tue May 16, 2017 6:03 pm

Hi Gang,

Nagib makes a pretty good point, and given how much of a pain it is to transfer that old content over, it's probably better to just start from scratch now rather than wait. It kind of looks like the old stuff will probably show up in some read-only archive at some point anyway, so no reason not to set up specialized forums here if that's what people want.

So I've just set up the new Bertha room. I'll add the handful of people from this thread that I recognize, but for everyone else, please let me know if you think you should be in that group and I'll add you. :) I'll also make a separate post about this to try and alert others who might not be watching this thread.



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Re: Bertha Talk

Post by rlygangesh » Mon May 22, 2017 12:41 pm

Hi all
first i m not a registered user of Earik sir's great book Big Bertha but due to generous help( thnks to him because it was too costly for me) i read this book several times, applied the principle with various chart & found very useful , i want to discussed some thing about Bertha so request to group?earik sir, can i go ahead here in general group?

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