helio might have an edge??!!??

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helio might have an edge??!!??

Post by NDscorpini » Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:09 pm

08/09/15 - The Sun, Earthquakes and Schumann Resonance
The research and theory presented here is apparently being suppressed by the powers that be. Space Weather News and PDFs.

Commenter; "This article says that the sun trigger earthquakes trough abrupt changes in the suns magnetic field. A likely explenation for earthqukes are double-layers along the telluric currents. It could be that they form, -explode and/or -fluctuate. The double layers that explode would most likely be the cause for the more powerfull earth quakes (like M8 and greater)."

Commenter 2; ""correlation doesn't necessarily imply causation" you are right. A statistical correlation doesn't imply a causation at all. A statistical correlation only implies a relation. The causation is a different story, and is negligibly adressed in this video. But even if a hypothetical causation was properly adressed in this video, Ben's personal view doesn't affect the objective importance of Ben's study. We should never taint our perspective of any scientific studdy by introducing the question of causality. The world doesn't change because we change our explenations for it, only the way we look at it."

Commenter 3; "TLDR: "Interactions between the ionosphere, atmosphere, magnetic fields, and the earth itself built up charge on rocks, and something called piezoelectric force makes the rocks move when the field strength or polarity changes." Also BTW the purpose of the paper is to test the hypothesis that "days that meet these windowing rules are more likely to have M8+ quakes." This section offering a possible explanation of causation is just a bonus."


Best wishes,

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