Degree bars?

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Degree bars?

Post by earik » Thu Jun 30, 2022 9:28 pm

Hi Gang,

Got a degree bars prototype running!

To be clear what I'm talking about, just imagine a bar that wasn't based on clock-time (5min bars, 60min bars), but one that was based on astro-time (1 degree movement of Mars, etc). For those of you who have been around for awhile, you'll know that I've been talking about building these for years (decades?? :shock: ) now.

The problem I always had was that the data was just too tricky. To get it right, you need tick data, down to the second, so that you can split the ticks into the right bars. That's not so hard on its own, but getting that going back far enough to use anything longer than intraday charts is actually really hard, especially if you want multiple markets. It requires a massive local database, a way to update that database, and none of the data vendors that we plug into offer tick data going back far enough. Sure, I could do it, but just not in a way that would work easily and be scalable across all the universe of W59 fans that would be interested in working with it.

Anyway, the other day, I was curious what it would look like if we just relaxed the requirements a bit. So rather than using ticks, what about using something like 5min bars instead? Sure, our bar boundaries might be off by a few minutes and not *perfect*, but as long as you're OK with that limitation, they'll be pretty close. And (more importantly) I can actually DO those, rather than just thinking about it all the time. Perfection is the enemy of good enough, and all that.

So, check this out:
lunar spy.png
lunar spy.png (66.07 KiB) Viewed 8470 times
This is very preliminary. The axes aren't quite right at the bottom, etc, etc. But check out the time label at the top. Each bar represents 15 degrees of movement of the Moon! :D And, of course, it's scaled. So we've got a chart here perfectly squared to the motion of the Moon, running at 24 points per 360 degrees exactly. EXACTLY! Or... maybe it's more accurate to say, "exactly" with 5 minutes of slop. ;)

Anyway, I threw a Gann square up. Note that this Gann square is now a Moon-based Gann square, since we have a Moon-based chart. I won't comment too much other than to acknowledge that I can see this is working. Sort of snaps right into place, doesn't it? (You can see it, right??)

So here we go! Not all the same old stuff after all. I'm not as fast programming all this stuff as I used to be, but this is officially the next build that I'm running here, so it's coming. You can do any degree by any planet, and we use minute data as the input. Someday I'll get my Ascendant bars built, but until then, at least we'll be able to use the planetary stuff.

All for now.


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Re: Degree bars?

Post by ForJL » Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:22 am

Now this is cool ... this is real cool! 8-) My mind is already going in a dozen different directions on how to use this. Definitely looking forward to the release. Thanks Earik.


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Re: Degree bars?

Post by sbank » Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:21 pm

How would we approach this from the QScript perspective? I am 100% mechanical these days.

Do the normal strategies like fractal trend and smartmoney still work? Or will there need to be some sort of translation layer?

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Re: Degree bars?

Post by earik » Thu Jul 07, 2022 10:23 pm

QScript won't know the difference. It will work all the same way. I have zero idea whether or not this will improve technical indicators or not. Geometry and patterns, yes, I can definitely argue that this makes a lot of sense. But for Fractal Trend, etc...? I don't know. I haven't been working with it enough to really be able to say. Anyway, the beta version of this just showed up in 2.44, so you're welcome to kick the tires on them and see what you think. ;)


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Re: Degree bars?

Post by Rice » Wed Jul 13, 2022 2:32 pm

Definitely looks interesting, as we thought.

When using daily bars, I get a 'list index out of bounds' error and the program hangs. Intraday charts work, but one needs to use fractions of a degree (not surprisingly) to see more than a few bars, even for the moon.

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Re: Degree bars?

Post by earik » Fri Jul 15, 2022 4:49 am

Rice wrote:
Wed Jul 13, 2022 2:32 pm
When using daily bars, I get a 'list index out of bounds' error and the program hangs. Intraday charts work, but one needs to use fractions of a degree (not surprisingly) to see more than a few bars, even for the moon.
Thanks. I'll check that out. Just keep it set to "intraday", even if you are using really long time frames. That tells it what to use to build the bars up.

One wonky thing right now is that the display may default to only a few bars on screen. So set it to like 30 or 40 (or grab the time axis and scoot left and right). 15 degree Lunar bars seem to be where it's at, as far as I can tell at this point.


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