Problem with screen capture

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Problem with screen capture

Post by kurthulse » Sun Jul 08, 2018 3:26 am

I'm wondering if anybody else is experiencing trouble saving chart images to file. When I try, I get the typical navigation window, but the system takes a very long time before it will allow me to navigate my way to the folder where I want to save the image. Often it won't let me open a folder or even save the image regardless of location. I first noticed this happening in conjunction with one of the automatic Windows 10 upgrades several months ago.

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Re: Problem with screen capture

Post by sbank » Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:01 pm

I just tried this as a test. (Running Windows 10 latest version, and Wave59 2.34.)

I had no problems saving a screenshot. The dialogbox to enter a filename was also very quick to pop up and ask for a destination.

Maybe try to run Wave59 as an administrator (right-click and run-as administrator). I didn't need to do this, but perhaps that would help if you have some funky file permission issues?

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Re: Problem with screen capture

Post by kurthulse » Sun Jul 08, 2018 9:43 pm

Thanks for that idea, sbank. Running as an admin didn't help. What did help was reducing the number of charts in my workspace, so perhaps it is a memory issue.

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Re: Problem with screen capture

Post by abacaba » Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:50 pm

I rue the day when I will have to switch to Windows 10. With Win7, I typically have 8 or 9 charts open when trading, accessed as needed according to what is unfolding on hierarchically related price and time frames...but, screenshots have never been a problem. Win7 does have issues, but familiarity has bred a few work-arounds.


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Re: Problem with screen capture

Post by earik » Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:36 pm

Hi Kurt,

Pull up the task manager, and see how much memory W59 is using. It's a 32-bit program, so Windows maxes out at 2GB. If you have a ton of charts open, with a bunch of complicated things on them, you can get close to that amount, and then you'll have memory issues. I have a system that results in me going over, so the workaround is to open 3 instances of W59 and put different parts of it on each one. Otherwise, things get weird when you get close to the limit...


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Re: Problem with screen capture

Post by abacaba » Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:09 am

I should have also mentioned that the charts I referenced are displayed in multiple instances of Wave 59, not just one!


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Re: Problem with screen capture

Post by earik » Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:12 pm

Keep in mind that Windows is very picky these days about where you can save things. If you try to save a screen shot somewhere that Windows doesn't like (like in c:\program files), all sorts of crazy things might happen.


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