SpreadIB for Wave59, help !

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SpreadIB for Wave59, help !

Post by JGL » Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:51 am

I use IB as the broker and have been using H59 to stream data into my Wave 59.

The IB API seems to throw randomly huge data amounts to the Wave 59 data file.
example: present SPY price at 11:01:01 is 217.90 then the next SPY price at 11:01:02 is 3000 then the next SPY price at 11:01:03 is 217.93

You can imagine what that would do to the bar chart and the chart range.

I then have to manually edit the W59 csv data file, save the that, exit the file, close Wave 59, close H59 data down loader, restart the data downloader, restart Wave 59, restart the chart data input settings and everything is ok for awhile.

IB API support basically implies that is unusual so please send them the diagnostic report and they will look into it (past experience is not good).

SOOOOOO, CAN SOMEONE HELP ME WITH THE SETUP OF USING SpreadIB for streaming data to W59? The SpreadIB setup pdf doc is mainly for TS.

I am using OS Windows 7.0 Pro 64bit

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Re: SpreadIB for Wave59, help !

Post by abacaba » Mon Aug 22, 2016 4:36 pm


I've been using SpreadIB for years. It works well. The most recent version can be had here:


The setup pdf doc is for TWS, not TS. Just unzip everything, create a SpreadIB file in Program Files, and drop all SpreadIB files in there. Clicking on the Executable Jar File will bring SpreadIB up.

Hope that helps.


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Re: SpreadIB for Wave59, help !

Post by JGL » Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:44 pm

Hi, I was able to make it (SpreadIB) work once out of 5 times opening and setting symbol spy
BUT it kept locking up on me.
It is located in the C:program file.
I wonder if it should really be located in C:program (86)


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Re: SpreadIB for Wave59, help !

Post by abacaba » Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:29 am

Maybe check your setting on W59 Data Setup and > IB setup. Also SpreadIB TWS connection settings > Broadcast File settings.
Destination path should be C:\Users\NAME\Wave59\data\IB. This should be the working directory address for the IB data file.
SpreadIB is in my Program Files, not (x86). If that doesn't work, try the native exchange for SPY (ARCA, I think) instead of SMART.

Do other symbols work, such ES or TLT?


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Re: SpreadIB for Wave59, help !

Post by JGL » Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:19 am

Also SpreadIB TWS connection settings > Broadcast File settings.
Destination path should be C:\Users\NAME\Wave59\data\IB.

presently it is like this
C:/user/name/program (86)/Wave59 note: there is no data file
the data file is in C:/documents/Wave59/data/IB/SPY_STK_SMART note: the H59 data is a streams into it.
I have not been able to make the setup SpreadIB to go to the top file.

see attached error jpeg pic
160822 bad data from IB API.jpg
bad date skewing chart price range
160822 bad data from IB API.jpg (906.79 KiB) Viewed 10870 times

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Re: SpreadIB for Wave59, help !

Post by earik » Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:17 pm


In the old days, Windows used to allow writing files in the program directory. That all got much more difficult after Win XP. If your files are set to anywhere in the program folder, you are guaranteed to run into all sorts of gremlins with Windows security blocking the file write and redirecting to secure virtual directories. That's why W59 introduced a working directory. Go to W59 and click file - working directory, and it will show you where yours is. That's where W59 is going to want to look for data, so you have to make sure that it and SpreadIB are pointing to the same place. So that's the first step.

Next, make sure that the ports are correct. History59 uses 5959, and I think SpreadIB might have reversed it to 9595. Go to W59 and click file - data source = IB, and the port is shown there. You need to make sure that matches with what SpreadIB is using. Otherwise the two programs won't be able to see each other.


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Re: SpreadIB for Wave59, help !

Post by abacaba » Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:05 pm

Hi all,

My previous message contained an error. The destination path for SpreadIB should read:


Sorry about that. Also, JGL, be sure to include the full description of the security. For instance,
SPY_STK_SMART_USD. Your example doesn't include "USD." That will cause a problem.


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Re: SpreadIB for Wave59, help !

Post by JGL » Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:04 pm

Hi all, thanks for your advice so far---
I am still forced to use H59 downloader.
I manually set the high low chart price range so I can still see my W59 graph without the chart blowing up from bogus highs or lows.
That is my work around as I flounder to make SpreadIB work for my funded IB acct.
What interesting is that these random price data skews do not show up in the TWS charts or my other charting softwares.
I will put my bike helmet on this weekend beat my head against the wall and try to make SpreadIB work with W59.

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Re: SpreadIB for Wave59, help !

Post by earik » Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:28 pm

Hi Jeff,

Are the bad price spikes all in the night session? If so, you can get around it by changing your start and end times in W59 (format - chart). Might be easier than having to mess with the scale, and it will keep your indicators correct.


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Re: SpreadIB for Wave59, help !

Post by JGL » Mon Aug 29, 2016 10:55 pm

the bad spikes are during the day when i am day trading. jeff

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