Dedicated Qscript programmer

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Dedicated Qscript programmer

Post by Absstar21 » Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:01 am

Wave59 has got some really great features but some people have not been able to fully utilise them due to lack off programming skills and a limited range of indicators and systems to experiment with, which is why I suggest bringing in a dedicated programmer who will be helping people and putting people ideas into form.
This I believe will motivate members and even new comers to do research and share ideas knowing they will have someone there to programme them cheaply.
I would like to start a group for members who would be $25 a month to the Qscript programmer, each person will get one of their ideas programmed and shared within the group. As time goes by we will have a library of indicators and system for all to use.

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Re: Dedicated Qscript programmer

Post by pear1942 » Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:01 pm

I like the idea. We need more happening on the forum.

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Re: Dedicated Qscript programmer

Post by alexashka » Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:15 pm

If memory not deceiving me we already do have this service, in fact had this for many years: (do recall checking scriptbuilder in 2007/8)

Kenn is a long time member of w59 community. ... iders.aspx

(kjociii forum id)

Was thinking about getting in touch with Kenn in months to come to semi automate some of geometry stuff.

With that being said if this is more of a general idea personally I'd pay 25 a month with my eyes closed so to speak. :)) (believe that is English saying in US)

Thank you. Alex.

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Re: Dedicated Qscript programmer

Post by pleiterr » Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:21 pm

That would be amazing !

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Re: Dedicated Qscript programmer

Post by NDscorpini » Sun Feb 21, 2016 9:28 pm

Can I ask what kind of geometry you wanted to have programmed? I have zero programming skill but just curious as to the direction you are headed in. Thanks
Best wishes,

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Re: Dedicated Qscript programmer

Post by Absstar21 » Thu Feb 25, 2016 1:37 pm

alexashka wrote:If memory not deceiving me we already do have this service, in fact had this for many years: (do recall checking scriptbuilder in 2007/8)

Kenn is a long time member of w59 community. ... iders.aspx

(kjociii forum id)

Was thinking about getting in touch with Kenn in months to come to semi automate some of geometry stuff.

With that being said if this is more of a general idea personally I'd pay 25 a month with my eyes closed so to speak. :)) (believe that is English saying in US)

Thank you. Alex.

This is a project that excludes no one, I would love Kenn to be part of it and in fact he would be the best person to do the programming however it’s important that we keep the price as low as possible.
This is about building a library for the Wave59 community, we all know that in order to succeed in the markets we need to be able to adapt to the ever changing conditions, Earik has provided great tools for this, we need to expand there capabilities by having more unique indicators to use them with.

Anyone with is interested in becoming part of the project send me a private message and if we get enough people I will ask Earik to open a private section on the forum where ideas and scripts will be posted

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Re: Dedicated Qscript programmer

Post by KenC » Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:40 pm

Hi, Folks,

This collection of helpful qscripts may be of interest:

New ideas for indicators, strategies, etc., are relatively easy to bring to life with qscript.

Good trading to all,
Ken Churchill

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Re: Dedicated Qscript programmer

Post by abacaba » Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:33 pm

Ken -- Great to see you on the board. Welcome back!


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Re: Dedicated Qscript programmer

Post by alexashka » Fri Feb 26, 2016 3:56 pm

Welcome back Ken!!!

It has been quite a while!! Definitely great seeing you!! :D


Sure thing. I've utilized a script that semi automated vortex off w59 library for a few months on forex charts but had some issues replicating some of results manually and stopped using it for now and just switched to full manual. Ellipse would be second and square would be third candidates for geometric semi automation, rings of price and time too.

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Re: Dedicated Qscript programmer

Post by KenC » Fri Feb 26, 2016 4:22 pm

Todd -- Alex -- thanks.

I'm enjoying my retirement -- it's just the getting older part that sucks. Somebody once said "Getting old is not for sissies" and boy is that true.

Anyway, I enjoy checking the forum from time to time. Good to see familiar names.

Good trading to you,

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