Scripts for use with ME

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Scripts for use with ME

Post by rlite4 » Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:44 pm

Had a query about a script for plotting Aspects in the ME question thread in "tools and techniques" but it was buried among other things so will ask here:
(please excuse if I mix up terms)

(1) if I want to generate times of selected aspects, eg oppose,quadrature etc, of selected planets and then plot lines within the trading day qualified by trigger like ascendant or Exchange crossing one of the involved planets what would the Qscript look like - what calls or functions could be used. Pointers to similar scripts as example would be a great help -
i.e this would be to sort for potentially "Juicy" aspects and then print out or plot lines in the day when planets involved in these aspects are triggered by one of Ascendant, MidHeaven etc, to start, then

(2) how to have an input selection "change settings" tab like for other indicators through which one could selectively turn on or off one (or more) of the triggers, planets and aspects to look at what has effect on an instrument - eg may be the moon and some planet have most effect on xyz future - (then again may be this knowledge is already available in some reference work....) and this would lead to a less cluttered chart with the "more likely" turning times for the given instrument,

(3) it would be nice to expand to print horizontal line segments for price levels, like Earik does in his ME charts, and multiples based on $/360 chosen in Ephemeris - can the $ for 360 setting values be read off of the Ephemeris settings? and if we have turned on say the trine aspect drawing is it possible to query the Ephemeris plot for orientation of the verticies to use to calculate possible price targets) - (this is probably getting a bit too ambitious to start ...
If there are similar scripts please point me to them

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Re: Scripts for use with ME

Post by earik » Fri Aug 13, 2021 6:15 pm

Hi Srj,
(1) if I want to generate times of selected aspects, eg oppose,quadrature etc, of selected planets and then plot lines within the trading day qualified by trigger like ascendant or Exchange crossing one of the involved planets what would the Qscript look like - what calls or functions could be used. Pointers to similar scripts as example would be a great help -
i.e this would be to sort for potentially "Juicy" aspects and then print out or plot lines in the day when planets involved in these aspects are triggered by one of Ascendant, MidHeaven etc, to start, then
You'd use the astro(...) function. You input a date/time and get a planet value. The trick is that in order to detect aspects, you need to look at the previous bar's value as well as the next bar's value, and use that to determine if the current bar is the exact aspect. You'd be doing this in the future, which makes it a little trickier than a regular script.

If you go to the QScript library ( and search for "astro", you'll find some scripts that do this sort of thing. They'd be good ones to study so you know what you're getting into.

(2) how to have an input selection "change settings" tab like for other indicators through which one could selectively turn on or off one (or more) of the triggers, planets and aspects to look at what has effect on an instrument - eg may be the moon and some planet have most effect on xyz future - (then again may be this knowledge is already available in some reference work....) and this would lead to a less cluttered chart with the "more likely" turning times for the given instrument,
You can't do that yet. It's been on my to-do list for like a decade now, but building a custom form interpreter is sort of hard, and I'm not totally sure how many people would use it. For now, you have to use the regular input line in scripts and be clever about how you set things up to make it easy to make quick adjustments. I'd consider using multiple instances of the same script, each for a different aspect/planet, which would simplify the work.

(3) it would be nice to expand to print horizontal line segments for price levels, like Earik does in his ME charts, and multiples based on $/360 chosen in Ephemeris - can the $ for 360 setting values be read off of the Ephemeris settings? and if we have turned on say the trine aspect drawing is it possible to query the Ephemeris plot for orientation of the verticies to use to calculate possible price targets) - (this is probably getting a bit too ambitious to start ...
If there are similar scripts please point me to them
Scripts have a trendline(...) function. You can use that to draw vertical and horizontal lines on the chart. That part is actually sort of easy, especially once you know where the line should go. The hardest part by far will be computing the aspects themselves.

Hope that helps!


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