2 min 19 sec. bar

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2 min 19 sec. bar

Post by neo777 » Sat Jun 24, 2017 1:46 pm

I need the bar function that takes input 'starting time' and captures a bar at every 2 min 19 sec. when working with live data.
I don't want history or historical data in 2 min 19 sec. bars, I just want to plot for the single day when working with live data.
I don't know if this function exists or not, or is there any way to capture the live intraday data for non traditional bars.
Please HELP !!!

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Re: 2 min 19 sec. bar

Post by kurthulse » Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:57 pm

Hi neo777,

I don't believe the data collection mechanisms that are currently available for Wave59 allow us to look at time increments smaller than one minute.

A potential workaround might involve using the function that reads the seconds from your own computer's clock, in order to monitor the price data as it rolls in tick-by-tick. However, that would be difficult to script in a way that was reliable for producing 2:19 bars. I have done it for other purposes, but I had to allow a lot of "wiggle room" in the cutoff between time increments, because tick data doesn't roll in at a consistent rate. I really don't think that kind of solution would satisfy your need for precise time bars.

(I wish we could examine sub-minute intervals in order to catch various types of divergences, but I have no idea how extensive an overhaul would be required in the basic data collection programs to allow for this.)

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