Using a few tools in W59

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Using a few tools in W59

Post by ForJL » Thu May 11, 2023 9:58 pm

Well, it’s been quite a while since I posted anything to the board that’s for sure. So why am I posting today? As my Mom use to say, “The spirit must have moved him.” In other words, who knows?

There is nothing new here but I thought I would showcase what can be done with just a few simple tools that come with W59. Mercury/Moon are always a potent combination but especially so now as local energy is driving the market at the moment. That could very well change soon but that’s a post for another day. I decided to plot 90* aspects of this combination, the results of which are plotted by the blue horizontal lines in the chart. As you can see you got some very tradeable moves in the market from these signals alone. However there is more that can be done. These signals define energy signatures which can be used with our geometric patterns. Here I am using my GEOS which is something I developed quite some time ago. It’s quite versatile and can be used in a number of different ways but this time around we are simply using it with the Mercury/Moon energy signature. As you can see it has done a very nice job of containing prices since being anchored at the energy signature beginning at 5/15.

Next up is another favorite of mine, the Transit to Natal indicator. When used correctly it is a powerful little gem. It’s parameters are pretty straightforward here as we are looking at 0*, 90*, 120*, and 180* aspects and a natal date of 1929,09,03. The lime colored triangles point out the two signals which have already occurred and I have typed in the dates and times on the two that haven’t. I have less confidence in the 5/22 signal as decay might be showing effects by then but will monitor it just the same.

The last indicator on the chart is the Planet Rise Harmonics. It’s another favorite of mine but generally prefer it on shorter timeframes as it’s a lot more difficult to use on longer term charts like this. It really isn’t germane to today’s conversation but since I have it on the chart I thought I would mention it. Its signals are marked by the two red arrows.

So there you have it. A solid basis for a trading plan that has been in effect for two weeks now and counting.

Hope some of you found it interesting.

All the best,
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Re: Using a few tools in W59

Post by ForJL » Tue May 30, 2023 10:45 pm

A quick update shows we have now moved on to Moon Venus as our focus. The GOES pattern has been adjusted accordingly and is giving solid results thus far. There has only been one Transit to Natal signal that missed the 052423 bottom by only three bars. The only other thing I'd like to point out is Planet Rise Harmonic trigger line cross tomorrow at @1145. While you can never be certain about these things I do find it interesting that the cross occurs at the same time as a Moon Venus square. Perhaps something to keep an eye on.

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Re: Using a few tools in W59

Post by ForJL » Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:53 am

Well, I’m not sure how many off you read the last post but the 1145 Planet Rise Harmonic prediction nailed the bottom perfectly. As I write this the rally has been good for about 80 ES points. There was also a good Transit to Natal signal which I forgot to mention that was 2 bars off the bottom and 1 bar off if you took the orb into consideration. About the only thing that didn’t work was the GEOS pattern which failed to capture support at the 1145 trough. This was not too surprising though because we were at the Moon Venus square aspect which was the end of the energy signature and a point where decay begins to set in. It’s effectiveness did bounce back however as there generally is some residual effect before decay completes, but since we are butting up against the edge of the pattern now this is a good time to put together a new one. As a little aside you could have used some old school analysis and caught the bottom perfectly using simple measuring techniques on the double top pattern (second chart).

There is a lot more I can discuss about this but I still not sure about the level of interest here on the board. Perhaps I’ll do more though, we’ll see. In any case I do hope a couple of you guys saw this and perhaps made a few bucks off it.

All the best,
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Re: Using a few tools in W59

Post by sbank » Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:40 pm

Thanks Joe for posting. I always read your stuff. (But most of it goes over my head. :-)


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Re: Using a few tools in W59

Post by ForJL » Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:03 pm

Thanks sbank, appreciate it. When you get a chance check your PM's.

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Re: Using a few tools in W59

Post by Simon.B » Sat Jun 03, 2023 11:09 pm

Hi Joe,

Good to see you're well and "kicking" :lol:

I'm on the same page with Steve here - wish I could make some intelligent comments :)

But thanks for posting !!!


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Re: Using a few tools in W59

Post by ForJL » Sun Jun 04, 2023 10:55 am

Hey Simon, good to hear from you! I’m still kicking all right. Though sometimes it feels lick it’s with one half of one leg. Harmonics? :D

Funny, this stuff always seems easy to me but I suppose I’m going to have to open up a bit more on content to make these things easier to read. I better start doing it quickly too while I still remember it. Another birthday right around the corner. :shock:

Okay, so here is an updated pattern with its anchor locked to the beginning of the new energy signature. I wanted to get this post up before tonight’s ETH open because we have another Planet Rise Harmonic signal at 1908. Keep in mind that it has given 3 stellar signals in a row and nothing is ever perfect. There is also another interesting CIT signal coming in on the 7th at 0833.

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Re: Using a few tools in W59

Post by pear1942 » Sun Jun 04, 2023 5:25 pm

Thanks for post

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Re: Using a few tools in W59

Post by ForJL » Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:36 pm

It’s been a few weeks since my last post so thought it a good time to revisit this. Aspects have reverted back to Mo 90* Me and are depicted this time around as fuchsia triangles to avoid clutter. The red and green arrows are showing the Transit to Natal signals and the vertical lines the Planet Rise Harmonic signals … green for up and red for down. To be honest I didn’t trade off of any of the Planet Rise Harmonic signals last week as my wife was on holiday with her family and I spent the entire week at the racetrack. I had a world of fun and did quite well to boot but probably would have done a lot better trading. However, as the old gamblers adage goes, “you can’t play results.” :)

Okay, so what am I doing with the Planet Rise Harmonics? It all relates to the work I did on EMGP. I have written about it before and perhaps some of you might even remember posts from the old board. Much of the related research I did was lost with two separate hard drive failures but some of the work did survive and is the basis of my work with the PRH indicator. If you want to do your own research I suggest your start by studying the earth’s magnetic field. You will find a ton of information at the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) website. Concentrate on the fact that dip poles move over time. Armed with that information you should be able to build new exchanges within W59 that you should be able to use for various applications within the program. The second chart below is a natal that I was using today with such information. I would have been better off using it last week but I was reading racing forms and not charts. :) Anyhow this takes time and patience and don’t expect to figure it out strait off. Though trust me, it is there.

Joe ... etic-poles
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Re: Using a few tools in W59

Post by sbank » Tue Jun 27, 2023 1:57 am

Thanks Joe for posting.

If you attended the PUC or bought the PUC at a later date, Lars (of cycle infamy) did a presentation on the magnetic interference. He provided some spreadsheets of raw data and included a special DLL for Wave59 to smooth the data. The presentation was what one would expect. He showed the correlation between price data and this interference.

I was actually thinking about this content the other week. It might be easy in this day in age to write a quick Python script to snarf all that data up from the NOAA site. (I believe Lars did it manually? I can't remember. But whatever data he provided back in the day is definitely old.). Also not sure if that special DLL is needed as well as there are many great low-lag smoothing algos that are publicly available.

If I do anything with this, I'll create a new post to share my results. (I'll have to be careful though, I do not want to infringe on Lars' work.)


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