Looking fgor a W59 Forex Mentor

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Looking fgor a W59 Forex Mentor

Post by Mark » Thu Mar 17, 2022 5:33 pm

To Whom it May Concern:

Tomorrow is two years with W59.
I still have not place a live account trade yet.I have a day job.
I have not had consistent demo account results but do have a funded live account when ready.
I am following 28 Forex pairs.
Every day at least one or more of theses pairs move 100 or more pips.
Using all the tools W59 including Bertha cycles (maybe Bertha cycle don't work in Forex, I don't know)
I can not seam to find the right combination of indicators/time frame/forecasting etc. to capture this.
I'm even charting up to 6 time frame per pair.
My goal is to be in and out in 24 hours or market close on Friday.
Maybe this is not possible.
I just saw the list of 100 indicators. Do you know what is compatible with Forex?
I need some direction, book, video, mentor, service etc. or redirect me to a book or video that I probably already have.
I know the answers are in W59.
I have no preconceived habits, teachable, persistence and disciplined, just trying to find a strategy that has some sort of consistency.
Putting in the time/effort is not the problem. Getting results for the effort is whats important.
At this point I think I need a mentor.
My own logical combination of tools is not working.
Any feedback would be most appreciated.
Thanks for looking


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Re: Looking fgor a W59 Forex Mentor

Post by ForJL » Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:14 am

Hi Mark,

While I would like to help I simply don't have the time. I'm helping a few traders as it is and there just isn't enough time in the day. There are two things I can tell you though from reading your post. The first is that Forex is tricky and perhaps not the easiest of ways to break into trading. More importantly however was your goal to be in and out of the market in 24 hours or Fridays close. All while having a day job. Markets run on their time and not yours. There are of course systems that could be built around those parameters but that's definitely not my thing at all. In 30 years of trading I never once used one. Though no doubt it could be done.

What you might want to try is to post some of your work here and point out the areas that you feel you are deficient. That way I, or someone else here on the board might be able to give you some suggestions to help you get moving in a more positive direction. You already have one of the best trading programs out there in Wave 59 so you might be closer then you think.

All the best,

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Re: Looking fgor a W59 Forex Mentor

Post by sbank » Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:13 pm

Joe has a really good response. (Especially around posting your work)

Before Wave59 I used Motivewave, and traded forex w/elliot waves. Very well could be me, but it was very unreliable. I wanted to trade full time. So, to trade full time, I need to make sure I make enough to pay the bills. I don't think forex trading with elliot waves was the answer (OfCourse, maybe I was just undercapitalized?)

What has worked for me, is to move towards the more systematic and mechanical aspect of trading (focused on futures exclusively now). I would love to do what Joe does in his posts, but frankly I do not understand half of it. :lol: However, if I build my own systems, then I add a more statistical approach that I can rely on.

Regardless of the direction you pick (discretionary/mechanical), I think sharing what you are doing today would be a good next step.

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Re: Looking fgor a W59 Forex Mentor

Post by ForJL » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:29 am

Hey sbank,

At least you are getting half of it, and that's a start anyway. :)

It reminds me of a story that I think I may have told here already but will tell it again because it so apropos.

Many years ago a friend asked me what I thought a particular Forex pair was going to do. So I end up going into a detailed monologue on how I thought things would unfold. After speaking for about 20 minutes or so I finally finished. My friend just looked at me for a few seconds without saying a word then finally said, "That's great Joe, but is it going to go up or down?" :? :lol: True story. Perhaps I need to dial it down a bit. :D

All the best guys,

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