Using the Transit to Natal and Vortex

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Using the Transit to Natal and Vortex

Post by ForJL » Tue Dec 28, 2021 11:47 pm

One of the great things about Wave 59 is it’s diverse set of tools and indicators that the user has at their disposal. One of those tools that often gets overlooked however is the Transit To Natal. There are actually a lot of ways to use the Transit to Natal but today I am just going to concentrate on how I use it with the Vortex. Here it is set up with the Transiting Planet being the Ascendant and the Aspects to watch being Moon, Mid Heaven, and Ascendant. There are two things two keep in mind with things set up this way. The first is you are going to get a fair amount of signals and second being that they are not going to be particularly strong a lot of times either. So why watch them if they are not going to provide major turning points? Well, a lot depends on the type of trader you are. If your time frame you like to trade is a couple of days or larger then this particular set up is not for you. However if you are like me and look to trade a few good signals each day then this might be for you.

So how do you do it? First Get your Transit To Natal set up on your chart. Next square your chart. I have written before about the way I like to do that so not going to go into it deeply here other then to say I like using GS numbers. Next set up your Vortex on the close of the most recent Transit to Natal occurrence. I have written about how I like to set up my Vortex so it too is not something I’m going to cover here. Once you have them both in place you are ready to go. Use the Vortex for support and resistance areas as you normally would and the Transit to Natal for reaction areas.

The first chart below was from yesterdays trading in the ES. I found this one extremely interesting from an analysis point of view and one that shows an idiosyncrasy of the set up. Note how the Vortex is anchored at the bar close at 0505 on the 27th. The market rallied strongly soon thereafter breaking through all Vortex resistance. However look what happens at 1233 when it enters the Transit to Natal zone. It’s subtle but notice prior to entering the zone the market was “walking up” the Vortex spoke. Walking up a support line is always a sign of strength. However once it entered the zone price got pushed down below the zone. It’s still moving up, but is pushing up against resistance. The Transit to Natal signal tried to reverse market direction but was only able t push it below the support line. This tells the trader two things. First, it is indeed a strong market and second, it is expending a lot of energy in doing now moving up. It is only logical then that one could expect a correction in the market. Soon after exiting the zone the market tired and did correct for about nine points. This chart helped me catch a little over 6 of them. Market Strength resumed before Vortex resistance stopped it for good around 1600. The second example is from today and one I didn’t participate in. The Transit to Natal signals were adaqute I would say, with the one a little after midnight producing a seven point reaction and the zone between 0530 and 0730 stopping the markets advance. Vortex Support was also solid.

All I have time for now.
All the Best, and have a Happy and safe New Year
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Re: Using the Transit to Natal and Vortex

Post by ForJL » Mon Jan 31, 2022 4:05 pm

Hi Guys,

A battle with covid has kept me on the sidelines for the past few weeks but feeling better now. Just a cough that doesn't seem to want to go away. Otherwise I'm doing okay. So I thought I would do a quick post on another way to use the Transit to Natal signals. In this case I am using one of my favorite geometric patterns. Something I call GEOH. As you can see the TTN absolutely nails the high and the pattern does the rest. Just so you know, W59 has a bit of a quirk that allows you the thicken the lines of patterns you create. All you need do is create an Ellipse, punch in the size you want (2-4) and make the color match whatever color the background of your chart is. Then viola ... thicker lines!

Perhaps when I'm up to full speed I'll delve into this a bit more. For now it is more about me getting back into a normal routine then anything else. ;)

GEOH 01322.png
GEOH 01322.png (58 KiB) Viewed 12452 times

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Re: Using the Transit to Natal and Vortex

Post by Simon.B » Fri Feb 04, 2022 3:28 am

Hey Joe,

Hope you're feeling better. Cough can linger for a while. I once had a flu, years ago, cough persisted for nearly 3 months after the flue was seemingly over. I took two courses of antibiotics - nothing was helping, then a few weeks later it just stopped. Cough can be annoyingly persistent !


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Re: Using the Transit to Natal and Vortex

Post by ForJL » Fri Feb 04, 2022 4:18 pm

Hi Simon.

I'm mostly feeling just fine, other then the stupid cough of course. Tired sometimes, but can't tell if it's the remnants of covid or just the new norm. :D The thing about the cough is the tickle is always there. Not bad enough to induce coughing but always there. Then out of nowhere it starts. A real drag but guess that's the way of it sometimes. No doubt it will stop at some point just as you say.

Anyway it was good hearing from you. Hope all is well with you and your family and continues so.

All the best my friend,

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