Nov 4 high of day

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Nov 4 high of day

Post by earik » Wed Nov 04, 2020 10:38 pm

Hi All,

Want to see something interesting? ;)

Here's what happened in the ES today:
es_nov4_5min.png (9.65 KiB) Viewed 14139 times
From a forecasting perspective, obviously there's one really important place today, which was the high that happened in the 9:25-9:50am period at 3480.00. I've put a big red arrow there.

Here's a square of nine chart:
nov4_sq9.png (37.44 KiB) Viewed 14139 times
As we know, the Moon is the most important planet for intraday signals, so that's where we look first. You can plot the planets right on top of the square of 9 (which is sort of the point of that whole tool), and those show up as little colored dots. I've marked them. Look at what the Sun/Moon/Mercury/Saturn were doing today. They made a cross, drawn in red. (W59 draws this for you, it's right out of the Handbook of Market Estoerica.)

At 9:30, the Chicago Ascendant and Midheaven both crossed the line from the Moon to the Sun. Those are the two triangles down at the bottom, by the Sun dot. It really happened in the 9:25-9:35 window, since they didn't hit exactly at the same time, but 9:30 splits the difference between them, and that's what I've got shown.

Before we move to the ephemeris, notice where "82" is on the SQ9. That's an important number for today. In numbered squares terms, 82 can mean 182, or 1082, or, for example, 3482, which is important for us. :)

Ok, let's check out the eph:
nov4_eph.png (51.23 KiB) Viewed 14139 times
First, look in the upper right, at the two aspects I've put a red rectangle around. These are the tightest aspects for today. Notice that they're printed in bold. That means they're applying, in other words getting closer and closer. Those are the strong ones. We've got Mercury square Saturn, then Jupiter conjunct Pluto. Normally, this wouldn't be too important intraday, but we've got the Moon 120 degrees from Mercury, which makes Mercury "hot". It also makes everything connected to Mercury hot too. See the square and the triangle in there, with Mercury at the head? That's Gann's logo for his publishing business, in case you didn't notice.

So there's the setup on the eph. What's the trigger? The ASC/MC and price. At 9:50-10:00, the Ascendant in Chicago transits past the huge Jupiter/Pluto/Sun point of the triangle. That's how you know when the energy set up by the triangle/square is going to show up. How do we know it's going to show up in the ES, as compared to the 100's of other markets? Because we have our pattern drawn, and price takes up a corner of the square, opposite Mercury, at 3481.75. Remember 82 on the SQ9? ===> HIGH OF DAY

If you've never seen this stuff before, it may be a bit of a "holy crap!" moment, but this is old hat to the old timers here. The same signatures happen in an almost infinite combination of ways, but once you know what to look for, it's the same thing over and over.

Happy Trading,


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Re: Nov 4 high of day

Post by earik » Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:23 pm

Let's do it again for today....

sq9_nov5.png (31.76 KiB) Viewed 14114 times
The Moon has moved, so our cross has adjusted to compensate. Chicago ASC/MC both ran over the Moon-Sun line at 9:30. The number 89 is right there at 90 degrees. I've put everything important in little red boxes.

What's up with the eph at this time?
eph_nov5.png (54.65 KiB) Viewed 14114 times
Even though Mercury-Saturn is still the tightest applying aspect, the Moon is really the most important intraday. Today it's Moon-Venus square, which is the one to watch. Put Gann's symbol there, both the triangle and the square, the two most important aspects, and you can see what's going on: Moon and Venus are square, Mars takes up another corner, and the Ascendant takes up the empty one down near the bottom. We have something at every corner of the square, which is important. Moon is at 3486.75. I've also added the triangle shape, because the Sun is there at a loose trine, and we have the Midheaven hitting that same spot. The time this happens is a bit earlier than the SQ9, at 9:10.

That gives us a little target box, stretching in time from 9:10 to 9:30, and stretching in price crom 3486.76 to 3489. (Remember "89" on the SQ9 is the same as "3489").

What did that look like?
es_nov5.png (15.95 KiB) Viewed 14114 times
Note the rectangle that I've drawn in. That's our target zone. :mrgreen:


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Re: Nov 4 high of day

Post by ForJL » Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:49 am

Cool ... very cool! 8-) :mrgreen:

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