Progressed Time

A forum for current charts, analysis, forecasts, and trades.
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Re: Progressed Time

Post by Simon.B » Thu May 13, 2021 3:28 pm

Hey g, great work on SPY. I see no one written anything about it, I guess everyone expected May 10 to be a key day for a change in trend, at least shorter term, tough room !!!.... :D :roll:

Great to see you here again !!!


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Re: Progressed Time

Post by g<>< » Thu May 13, 2021 6:07 pm

Greetings Simon with high (((((8)))))* vibrations. I appreciate your appreciation as I have been a fan of your work as well. I truly value your, "real world" tradable fibonacci techniques. I use it for confluence to my setups. It works.

This forum perplexingly lacks the vibrancy of the original. You correctly identified the forum's lack of enthusiasm and celebration for each other's research.

Active participation and sharing of new ideas and techniques is what this forum needs. Perhaps it is top down. Perhaps we need to appoint "moderators" for running dialogues in various markets of interest. Perhaps a Power User's Conference IV, if but only to sip the astonishing Macallan 25 within the illuminated coteries. "Speyside vs Highland vs Islay? transitions into Astrology vs Numerology vs Cycles? or it could merrily devolve into an argument.

Perhaps adaptation to new markets? I recently read a cryptocurrency request on the forum that went nowhere. Dogecoin to the Earth's satellite! (or the moon).

Perhaps, it seems we are tired of the first wife, too busy working on the second. Folk wisdom states, "you gotta dance with who brought you to the dance". Perhaps, perhaps, naseum.


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Re: Progressed Time

Post by Simon.B » Sat May 15, 2021 6:45 pm

Hi g,

You have some way with words !!! :)
I think most of old timers are not around anymore, sometimes I wonder what am I still doing here, and still trading in general :)

After all these years...I still get excited every time I develop or stumble on a technique which supports believe that Markets are anything but random, and of course good price and/or time work. You have contributed a lot of powerful stuff to this Forum over the years, too bad newer traders can not go back 10 or so years to see your posts. We still do have a few very good contributors - ForJL, Dirk and a few others.

You are probably correct - with everything what took place over the last year....folks are just tired.


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Re: Progressed Time

Post by Thoth » Mon May 17, 2021 11:04 pm

Hi G and Joseph!

G, way back in the day, I was the very next member (numerically) after you, to join Wave59:-0

I've enjoyed both you Josephs posts, for many years.

I met you at one of Earik's workshops in Vegas.

You wore a mask and a cape! Upon seeing that particular demo, with that get up- I knew I was in the right place!

( I also remember you losing your iphone. Did you ever find it?)

These recent posts are just as amazing-if not better the old ones.

I agree with Joseph, there is a treasure trove of G material locked in a digital vault at Eariks house:-o

When ever you post, I get pumped! I know its going to be something worthwhile and insightful, if I'm willing to put the work in.

It has been quiet on the board for quite some time. But folks like you, Joseph, JL, Dirk, and Earik flash like lightning now and again,

splitting the silence:-)

I very much appreciate that.

Another workshop would be great! Perhaps we can all convene over Eariks house for a week.

He won't mind! He's lonely!! He's just too shy to come out and say it.

A house full of Wave 59ers would make his wildest dreams come true!!!

Can you imagine Lars popping out of a closet with a party hat on?

I will bring the Macallen 25. One of my favorites:-0

He'll write another spellbinder about it!

Earik will show us everything he knows, over 7 days.

He will also cook for us. You, know, all the fancy California stuff.

While he's in the kitchen, chopping onions and ginger and pouring shots,

No questions are off limits. Astro, numerology, mechanical trading-the whole shebang!!!!

He can charge us $5000 a pop. I call first dibs on his guest bedroom:-o

If enough of you brash souls put the pressure on, he'll cave like chocolate molten cake and send out the invites:-0

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Re: Progressed Time

Post by g<>< » Tue May 18, 2021 3:36 am

I was lamenting the forum’s low vibration in the general sense and certainly not in regards to me. I’ve made my pile... so I’m pretty well set. In other words, I don’t require sunshine kisses on my bottom-side. I’m sure many of you long time traders of W59 are set as well, if not more so. Persistence pays.

I resonate with Simon’s pondering as to why we still participate here. Gratitude is my answer. We are teachers and yet, we are students. E set in motion this gift by sharing his collection of market esoterica many solar returns ago. That energy still persists, however maybe it is received with ennui today.

In yesterdays long ago, we were giddy like young bucks prancing in the newly greened spring meadow upon emerging from a stiff and bitter winter. Strengthening our prowess to win our place among the does, so that our tomorrows are filled with the legacy of today’s efforts...

I see that I am a dinosaur.

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Re: Progressed Time

Post by abacaba » Tue May 18, 2021 4:20 pm

Fellows, buck up! The past year has been and still is disorienting and enervating -- easy, believe me, to be in a funk. But markets are still behaving in the way they always have.

I joined Wave 59 back in 2003. Yes, the sharing on the board was abundant, full of energy, and maybe a little naive. It was a good time, I learned a lot, but that was then. Hints and guidance could and should only go so far. After all, who's going to just give away the keys to anonymous others? Some of us even saw original work posted on the board emerge elsewhere as the cornerstone of expensive courses.

Personally, Gann was instrumental in suggesting a way forward, along with others. I did a lot of graduate work in music theory and set theory, so it just "clicked" after a while. Also, just for instance, Michael Jenkins has a single page in _Chart Trading..._ that shows a chart with a partially erased but identifiable figure along with the casual mention that this was "the foundation to all analysis" Well, yes. Sometimes the merest hints are the most suggestive.

I'm at the charts with the market and trading pretty much every morning. Wave59, nonpareil and sine qua non, is what makes it possible. But beyond that, what keeps me going is the visceral, tangible feeling that I'm interacting with a living entity of sorts, one that is yet another manifestation of nature.

This morning, on our walk along a wooded area near the house, my wife and I came across a lovely bush just starting to bloom. The leaves had 3 points and the flowers were arranged symmetrically along 5 nodes. Reminded me of our old cabin by the lake, and the call of the loon...


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Re: Progressed Time

Post by ForJL » Tue May 18, 2021 11:12 pm

G, I hope you don’t mind me saying but a dinosaur you are not. The premise of this thread alone is proof enough of that. Though I do agree with Simon, your eloquence is second to none. Over the years I have often marveled at how you able able to write with such style and yet nary a hint of magniloquence. :-)

I also find myself in agreement with Todd, market haven’t changed at all. They still go up, down, and sideways. I do believe however that the trader themselves and the way they trade has changed. Nowadays it’s all about volume analysis. Delta, Volume Profiles, and of course the most recent toy Market Depth. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly do not mean to diminish this form of analysis which I find has much merit and use myself. In fact quite a bit. The problem though as I see it is that this form of analysis calls the new aged trader like The Sirens song and once pulled by its attraction look no further. Simply put esoteric trading is out of vogue!

All is not lost though and Gann quoting from the Book of Ecclesiastes said it best “That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new, under the sun.” Until then we are the teachers … the guardians … the keepers of the gate. I encourage all, as I have done often in the past, to participate. There is no such thing as a dumb question or insignificant post. They all count … right up to the hilt!

On a personal note, I may not be able to run down those does like I used to but I know some damn good shortcuts that gets me where they are going first. ;-)

All The Best,

PS I have been sidelined for a while with a minor health concern. I hope to be posting again soon.

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Re: Progressed Time

Post by g<>< » Wed May 19, 2021 2:43 am

Joe, the eponymous title screams; balding domes, distended bellies, drooping scrotal visages, and I’ll stop there as we strictly adhere to polite society. :lol:
We grey (v.) with e and each other. I hope you all have found much success in your own trading.

I won’t say who, as this isn’t the place, but one of the original members from here has borrowed tens of thousands of dollars from me several years ago. He tells falsehoods as to when he can repay. Those dates come and go in radio silence.

In certain circles he may be scalped. In certain circles he may be disgorged. In certain circles he may be castrated. (see what I did there…brought it back home) badumbump! :lol: So it baffles me that he isn’t able to square up. (And again!) Even equipped with Wave59 and all the research available here, this guy says he isn’t able to trade it back. I hope that none of you walk this path. Trivial sense of honor, karmic debasement.

Shall we return this thread to research and charts? We saw Jupiter into Pisces produce a short lived counter trend rally up. I am looking for a continued resumption of negative energy counts as we saw print today.


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Re: Progressed Time

Post by Eagle » Wed May 19, 2021 10:08 am

Great to see that some of the original wavers are coming back. Personally, I was so disappointed that the old forum was lost - it was an incredible forum, full of knowledge and helpful trading techniques. I remember the recorded PUC conferences and the trading courses given by the experienced traders within the community, great work.

People have now obviously moved on and it will be difficult to replicate those times. I cannot speak for others, but I certainly enjoy seeing posted charts from successful traders showing a potential break out, or a general longer-term twist in price. The recently posted charts on Coffee have been a great aid in order to buy the pullbacks – please keep posting!

I appreciate that there are only so many hours in the day and I am certain people do not want to be drawn into a 101 questions - so maybe posted charts for traders to review is the most structured way forward. After all, if an opportunity is drawn up and located, then there is no harm in others joining in.



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Re: Progressed Time

Post by ForJL » Thu May 20, 2021 2:04 am

Well G, I’m sorry to hear of your tribulations with the deadbeat trader. All I can say is that I hope an amicable settlement will be coming your way forthwith.

Yes, trading has treated me quite well over the years. At some point near the end of this year I will be celebrating 30 years as a trader/speculator. Though for the life of me I can’t tell you exactly when I started. All I can say is I have loved every minute of it. Even that first year which was a struggle and saw me getting by on a credit card. Yeah, a 31 year old kid (seems like a kid now anyway ;)) living on cereal and 60 cent White Castle hamburgers. If I had a good day I would get them with bacon. :lol: All in all though, I wouldn’t change a thing and that’s a fact.

Anyhow I agree, it’s time to get back to trading!


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