Natal Forecast on 24-hour ES

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Natal Forecast on 24-hour ES

Post by earik » Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:03 pm

Hi Gang,

Just wanted to share a quick chart. This is a 30-min chart of the 24-hour ES futures.

Natal Forecast. (Right-click and open in new tab to zoom)
natal_forecast_july5.png (52.93 KiB) Viewed 23945 times

The blue and red lines are the canned Natal Forecast indicator. This is one of W59's forecasting tools which has been around since 2001 or so. Back before W59, I used to run a forecasting service based on this very tool. It's based on various astro cycles as measured in Chicago, and this tends to show up very strongly in any markets based there. On a 24-hour chart like this, you can really see cyclical nature of this tool.

Anyway, take a look at how the ES has been moving lately. All the highs and lows before July 3 were solved for by the red line, which is the "inverted" forecast. It's actually all the same forecast, it's just that the red lines are upside-down from the blue ones. So you can see highs in the red line correlated to highs in the market, while lows in the red line correlated to lows in the market. This continued up until the white line, when the market inverted and started following the blue line, and you can see that now it was the one that solved for all the highs and lows.

It's cool stuff. The big question (which has ALWAYS been the big question), is how do we know when the forecast will invert? I don't have a good answer for that, although I've come up with a lot of theories over the years. There does seem to be an inversion cycle at play, but it's a slippery bugger, and have been very difficult to pin down with any accuracy. The good thing is that once an inversion happens, the market tends to stick with it for awhile before inverting again. We had 7 swings that hit on the red cycle since the last inversion (not shown), and we've just had 7 on the blue one since the vertical line I've drawn. The market isn't as predicable as flipping every 7, but just thought I'd throw that out there as food for thought. Assuming the forecast holds, we should top this afternoon, and move lower into Monday.

Hope you all had a good 4th. :)

Happy Trading,


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Re: Natal Forecast on 24-hour ES

Post by NDscorpini » Sat Jul 06, 2019 8:48 pm

Hi All,
I think this Earik post was directed at me in response to an e-mail I sent him. Below is an actual copy of what I sent. A quick recap for those who don't know me. I have been pursuing the Gann material since 1997 with mixed results. I have created a lot original material but it was always off for some reason. Then I went to the Chicago Day-Trading seminar and there was enough there for me to finish. The e-mail I sent was probably premature because I would like to have 6 months of forward testing in front of me to declare finding the Holy Grail. I just wanted to test to waters to see what kind of response I would get. If nobody wants to work with me, fine. BUT...if I have consistent results like this for the next 6 months I'll have to put my thinking cap back on to find another way to get this out to the general public.
Best wishes,

Hi Earik and D’mitri,

I hope you both had a happy 4th. Please look at today’s screenshot. I set up 90% of the screen the night before. I only thing I didn’t know was whether the natal would be regular or inverted.

Natal forecast
Playing cards
Planet rise times
All astro and they all fit together IF…you know how to set they up correctly. I’ve only done this for 3 trading days but it worked every day. Please allow me 6 months of forward testing with real money then we’ll know if we have something.

I also have a ton of original drawing tools that I have created over the years.

Two types of bull-bear zones
Two types of ellipses
Scorpini lines (my version of the gann fans)
Two types of time boxes
Entry signals which consist of Scorpini lines with circles and spirals
A massive 20 year database of open, high, low and close probabilities based on said bull-bear zones

Not to mention I figured out how to set up Dr. Al’s FOP and FOG but I think that would be over kill.

My argument is if we could figure this out for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly. We could have the start of a pretty successful subscription service, no? You have U.S., European and Asian markets. Then you have stocks, commodities, forex and crypto. Even if I am biting off way more than I could chew just my doing a fraction of that would help a lot of people manage their money better.

Don’t say no yet. Let me get 6 months under my belt and make sure this isn’t a fluke. But if it isn’t then come on guys we have to at least talk about it. I say 3 way split across the board. I’m not greedy and I don’t want to rip anyone off. I’ve done the work but my work is also based on the work of at least two other people.

Best wishes,

July-05-2019part5.jpg (113.92 KiB) Viewed 23931 times

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Re: Natal Forecast on 24-hour ES

Post by earik » Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:44 pm

ND, it wasn't personal, although what you're doing is pretty cool too. :) (Check your spam folder - I sent you an email)

Here's the update, which I posted on Twitter but forgot to add here. Been pretty easy to catch those 30min turns. Got a nice one at midnight tonight, and says we're due for another right now (as I write this).
nf_update.png (58.9 KiB) Viewed 23906 times


PS - Ignore the dotted cross pattern floating there at the bottom. Artifact of me messing around with something completely unrelated...

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Re: Natal Forecast on 24-hour ES

Post by pear1942 » Fri Aug 02, 2019 11:38 pm

Nice to see some activity

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