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Newbie (to W59) Astro Analysis

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:28 pm
by quark711
For August 13, 2015 PDT times, I''m seeing X cross H-V conjunct. First H at 1008 then V at 1011. (H-S is also applying but with a 3.56 error.) I like using 1 minute charts for precision, but is this why the ephemeris tutorial uses 5 minute charts? I'll be watching other indicators (9-5, ex-bars, smoothed mom) for a CIT over these three minutes and of course, price!

A multi-minute window also appears at 1115 when A crosses S squared with H and at 1120 when X crosses M-N opposing. Same issue. Two signals or one?

Also, when using the drawing tools on aspects that aren't perfectly square, do you place the corner of a shape right on one planet line, or do you split the difference to pick an exact time? It seems the faster planet would make sense, but I'd welcome advice.

Oh, and for today at 1118 I had X crossing M-N opposition, M-P trine and H-S squared, all applying for a nice CIT.

Wow . . .

Re: Newbie (to W59) Astro Analysis

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:22 pm
by earik
Hi Quark,

Intraday astro is pretty cool stuff. Back in 2005, this is pretty much what I spent my time doing all day. :) Here's one you missed:
es_astro_13aug2015.png (60.22 KiB) Viewed 13253 times
Keep in mind that although you can solve these down to the second, markets are never really that precise, especially if you've got other tools that you need to use in conjunction. The fastest anything will really move is the ASC or MC, which run at about 1 degree every 4 minutes. So if you solve to the nearest 5min, you'll be accurate enough. What is more important than that is that the aspects are within a tight orb, as well as applying (getting more exact) rather than separating (having past exact already). More planets are also stronger than fewer, as long as you've got a fast one in there somewhere. In my example, there's the MC, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto, and Price itself, which also is really important to watch.

There are two schools of thought about what to do with not-yet-exact aspects. The first is to split the difference, as you mentioned, and the second is to measure from the trigger plannet (the faster one). You shouldn't really be using aspects that are sloppy enough to cause much difference in results between those two, so pick one you prefer and use that.



Re: Newbie (to W59) Astro Analysis

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:41 pm
by quark711
Earik, many thanks for the reply and the advice. I've found using a 4 or 5 minute chart makes identifying the trend into the CIT smoother, but I also watch the 1 minute chart for a precise entry if it's supported by the setup. And yes, I also see how price is important. The confluences are amazing.

Thanks also for pointing out the 0720 opportunity!

Would it be fair to say when A or X crosses T there's more "power" (for lack of a better word)? Even with out other aspects in play, it seems to have an impact on the ES.

Also, maybe I should ask this elsewhere, but my W59 chart is always a minute ahead of IB. My first bar is always 0631 (Pacific) and the last bar is 1315 instead of 1314. (My chart parameters are set for 0630 - 1315.) Is there a setting I'm missing?

Re: Newbie (to W59) Astro Analysis

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:58 pm
by earik
Hi Quark,

You're welcome. ;)

I've found that the Moon tends to pretty much be the most important player, especially when you look intraday. Back in W59's first ever conference (2006 in Boulder), when I got to this stuff, one of the big rules was just to focus on Moon aspects only, and forget about everything else. Later on, a lot of methods I've ended up with were based pretty much 100% on the Moon for that reason. So yes on the "power" question, and good eye. :D

W59 shows the timestamp for the bar at the closing time of the bar, not the opening time. So if you have a 1min chart, the data that goes into it at the very first bar of the day is from 6:30:00 through 6:30:59, but the timestamp will say 631. It's not a minute ahead, it's just a different convention than IB must be using. Remember that each bar actually has two time stamps, one at the beginning and one at the end, but software programs only ever report one of those.



Re: Newbie (to W59) Astro Analysis

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:12 pm
by quark711
Ah - OK, thanks for the explanation on the bar time and for the moon info. A very deep pool indeed . . .