back to Fibo Vortex

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back to Fibo Vortex

Post by rlite4 » Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:21 pm

To a question about calculating time from price Earik pointed to Geometry and Fibo Vortex. Reading the book again noticed how much had not registered at all the first time I went through it. Likely this is all basic KG stuff to most of you - to me its a wonder how well it works - definitely would want to learn about the process and thinking that went into figuring all this out.


Here are a few charts from the last few days while testing out IQfeed.
ES-2020-10-26_16-40-32-1.png (35.09 KiB) Viewed 22126 times
SPY-2020-10-29_13-06-48.png (34.13 KiB) Viewed 22126 times
SPY-2020-10-30_10-05-15.png (35.31 KiB) Viewed 22126 times
SPY_2020-10-30_10-56-31.png (34.82 KiB) Viewed 22126 times

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Re: back to Fibo Vortex

Post by earik » Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:23 pm

Here's one I was watching on a 2min chart today: :mrgreen:
vortex_2min_oct30.png (30.08 KiB) Viewed 22115 times

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Re: back to Fibo Vortex

Post by rlite4 » Fri Oct 30, 2020 7:33 pm

Hi Earik,

thanks, have to look at your chart in detail to see the additional indicators you have on there.

The last two of the 4 I posted above are for the SPY from this morning.

When you have a few moments can you describe the process / how you figured out the Fibo Vortex indicator and details?


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Re: back to Fibo Vortex

Post by earik » Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:05 pm

Hi Srj,

You can right-click and expand the chart to a new window to see it clearer. This board sometimes compresses graphics down. The other tools are 9-5 Count, Ultrasmooth momentum, and Exhaustion Bars 1.

The Vortex is the only tool in W59 that I didn't really consciously figure out. I was meditating at the time, and started thinking about master patterns that might govern price, and it popped into my head along with the instructions on how to rotate/resize. The next morning, I drew a bunch of them out on clear plastic sheets, and I was off and running. Pretty soon after that I got sick of those plastic sheets and realized that I needed a software program to do it right, and here we are. :D I view the Vortex as a gift from my subconscious, or the universe, depending on how you want to look at it. Stuff like that is the benefit of sitting there for hours and hours starting at charts, I guess. ;)


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Re: back to Fibo Vortex

Post by rlite4 » Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:20 am

Thanks Earik,

have to check out if the white divergence lines on the ultrasmooth momentum plot automatically, or have to hand draw it in.

Re the subconcious or universe or "absolute" according to one stream of instruction - is all one and the same thing... a lose layman's translation of a verse reads
That (Absolute) realty is whole, This (manifest) reality is whole.
From the whole the whole becomes manifest.
From the whole when the whole is taken out, what remains is but only the whole.

The trick (or lot of hard work) is to be able to cognize truths from the subconcious and retain it out in to the concious :)


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Re: back to Fibo Vortex

Post by earik » Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:11 pm

Hi Srj,

I drew those white lines in by hand. I think there are some automatic divergence detectors out there, but none of them are as good as the human brain.

I love that verse. The other way to say that, in mathematical terms, is: 1 + 1 = 1. :D Most of the issues in developing good tools comes down to figuring out how to move all the assumptions and preconceptions that you've packed into your brain long enough to be able to see what's actually going on, which is way harder than it ought to be...



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Re: back to Fibo Vortex

Post by rlite4 » Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:23 pm

earik wrote:
Mon Nov 02, 2020 6:11 pm
..... Most of the issues in developing good tools comes down to figuring out how to move all the assumptions and preconceptions that you've packed into your brain long enough to be able to see what's actually going on, which is way harder than it ought to be...
Hi Earik,
agreed - still trying to get my head around that one ... and it continues to be that way... :)

I was trying to move the ultra smooth momentum to the top of the chart like in your chart above - (so as to get the RSI plot at the bottom) - but could not find "Plot High %" or "Plot Low %" from change settings or Properties - tried looking for hotspot to move the plot like for the horizontal line... Do I have to call it in a script to change positions?


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Re: back to Fibo Vortex

Post by ForJL » Fri Dec 11, 2020 3:04 am


Click on the Adjustable Indicator drop down menu which is to the right of the Bar Interval menu and underneath Artificial Intelligence. If you have the Ultra Smooth already on the chart you will see it there. When you click on it the Ultra Smooth indicator will highlight on your chart. Once it does all you need do is take the magnet tool, which is to the right of the Adjustable Indicator drop down and use it to grab hold of the indicator itself and move it anywhere on your chart. If you want to change the visible size of the indicator follow the same steps but instead of using the magnet use Adjust The Selected Indicator tool which is to the right of the magnet.


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Re: back to Fibo Vortex

Post by rlite4 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 3:45 am

Hi Joe,

thanks for listing the steps for moving and resizing the indicators. Took me a little while to figure out which one was the adjustable indicator dropdown menu but was easy after that. :)


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