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Post by ForJL » Fri Mar 06, 2020 3:22 pm

Hi Guys,

A bit under the weather at the moment with kidney stones (on and off for the past 36 years :twisted: ) and haven't been doing a whole lot lately. I will be back shortly however to answer the questions that have been posted and talk more about the pattern. In the meantime I hope some of you have been able to put it to good use.


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Post by ForJL » Sat Mar 07, 2020 2:36 pm

Hi Kenn,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you but I thought there were more questions here then there and thought I wold answer them all at once. Otherwise I would have just answered you yesterday. Okay so why 18*? If you ever took a look at the math of the Mayans you will discover that 20 and 13 were important numbers to them. So take 360*/20 and you get 18* … very simple, and when used correctly very effective. Not related to the longitudinal separation but take 360 and divide it by the other Mayan number of 13 and you get @27.69. Slightly off the orbital period of the moon at @27.32 days. While on the subject, 20 and 13 form the basis of the Gerbino Sequence of numbers.

As for you other question if I understand it correctly there is nothing to part of the pattern being hidden. It’s just the way I plotted things at the time. If I misinterpreted what you asked just rephrase it and I will give it another shot.

All the best,

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Post by NDscorpini » Sat Mar 07, 2020 4:44 pm

Hi Joe,
I not a doctor but a big fan of alternative medicine. If I had a kidney stone problem I would try this.

https://www.amazon.com/Herb-Pharm-Break ... 2C204&th=1

Just trying to help.
Best wishes,

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Post by ForJL » Sun Mar 08, 2020 12:55 am

Hi NDscorpini,

Thanks for the recommendation. I just got done doing some research on it and it seems there is little in the way of side effects and the reviews were positive. Will do a little more research and then most likely give it a try. A couple of years ago a friend of mine from this board sent me a sulfur based product but it didn't do a thing. I have been dealing with this now for a long, long time and it's really getting to be a drag. I had lithotripsy done 3 times last year and twice the year before that. At this point I'll try anything that is legitimate and safe.

Thanks again and all the best,

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Post by ForJL » Sun Mar 08, 2020 3:00 pm


Please read the post at the link below first to better understand the work flow we are following. Then pick it up here.


So now we are taking a long term view of AAPL. If you have read the post on harmonic sequencing you know we have a CIT short signal on 02/21/20. Our GCSP chart has been now been in effect since January of ‘19 so we are aware of it’s performance. GSCP has also given a CIT signal and on the same date and thus have confluence. All we need do now is watch the chart for support areas and are rewarded with a perfect catch at 255. You will notice we are using the same technique I described in the GHS thread to define our sell signal. You will also notice that the pattern has @27.5 * of inclination. Anyone care to take a stab at why? Hint: I already spoke about it in this thread. ;-).

So there you have it. No need to spend thousands on software or seminars that are long on talk and short on results. All you need is Wave 59 and the determination to succeed!

All the best,
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Post by NDscorpini » Mon Mar 09, 2020 12:01 am

Hey Stone Breaker,
I am fairly confident that the herbal supplement will help you with your kidney stones. It just brought back memories for me when I met my boyhood hero Roberto "Hands of Stone" Duran. One of the happier days of my life. I know he had some bad losses but when he was on, scary.


Best wishes,
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Post by ForJL » Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:01 am

Hey NDscorpini,

I hope your right … I ordered a bottle last night. As for “Manos de Piedra” I do remember him. Pound for pound one of the best in the game. It’s a shame however that he will also be remembered for the no mas incident against Sugar Ray. I think he would have eventually cut off the ring and won that fight had he kept his cool and not allowed himself to get frustrated. This coming from a guy who once put on the gloves himself as an amateur. Was 7-1 and the lone loss came in the championship fight. To be honest I didn’t train and was out of shape. I was 14 at the time and had made my greatest discovery that still holds to this day … GIRLS! Much like trading I had a binary choice, I could either train in a stinky gym, or be with the prettiest young girl you have ever seen . I chose the latter, a decision I have never regretted. Like to think I have been making good ones ever since. ;-)


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Post by ForJL » Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:00 am

A member of the board asked me for a chart of the ES covering the period of 02/20 - 02/29. For anyone who considers this chart there are a couple of things they need to consider. First, I seem to be having data issues hence the gaps in data. Second, and more importantly, what you are looking at is the finished GCST of the period specified. It is not how it would have looked early on. That is because if the range of price outgrows the pattern we need to enlarge the pattern also.

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Post by kjociii » Wed Mar 11, 2020 8:21 pm

Hi Joe,
Thanks for your reply; I figured there was a well thought out reason for the numbers you used.

If you're interested in alternative treatments for your kidney stones, I would highly recommend seeking out a Doctor of Oriental Medicine. They are tough to get rid of, but a combination of acupuncture and herbs will generally take care of them.

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Post by ForJL » Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:21 pm

Hi Kenn,

I am pretty opened minded about most things but have doubts about the acupuncture. That said, I never say never and will look into it. I already know someone who uses it for their back and swears by it. I'll start with them and perhaps make an appointment to see his doctor.

Thanks for the advice,

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