The FOG - my take

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The FOG - my take

Post by NDscorpini » Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:58 pm

Hi All,
This is going to be my last post for a while. I am going to concentrate on trading. It is coming up on my 1 year anniversary on taking the Chicago seminar. Right before I went I was at a sticking point in my trading. If I didn't make a breakthrough I was thinking about quitting the Gann material. I was fresh out of ideas.

This is my favorite quote from T.D. season 2. I'll paraphrase - people get tired but pain is inexhaustible. Trying to solve for Gann will definitely break "lesser men." For example, I bought the FOG course from Dr. Al somewhere between 2005-2008. I asked him for a week's worth of charts in advance of the trading day. His response was something like don't bother me until you've found 50 FOG centers. So I inferred that either he couldn't do it himself or it was more art than science. I put that drawing tool on the back burner until very recently. I was reviewing two books from NCC. There was one chapter on octave shells and another on gravity centers. Then it hit me, focus on getting the circles correct and everything else will fall in place.

Check out the screenshots I 100% set them up before the trading day. It is hard to figure out but not impossible. There are 4 people I admire from the 1930's
1. W.D. Gann
2. Royal Raymond Rife
3. Nikola Tesla
4. Ed Leedskalin
In other words, free money, disease free, free energy and possible anti-gravity. If you go to you can do a free download of Suppressed Inventions. R.L Pool wrote a book where he theorized Ed was using astrological alignments to help him move the giant stones. The seemingly impossible can be done people you just can't quit!!!
Best wishes,
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Re: The FOG - my take

Post by Rice » Sat Mar 07, 2020 3:12 am

I'm curious what your take is a year after you took Dimitri's seminar. I confess my curiosity often gets the better of me so that i will pony up some change even if skeptical of the claims, but 9K is a bit much for that level of indulgence. Would you be so kind as to elaborate a bit?

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Re: The FOG - my take

Post by NDscorpini » Sat Mar 07, 2020 4:53 am

Hi Rice,
That is a loaded question but I'll do my best. I was at a sticking point and going to his seminar helped me get passed it. My advice to you is this
1. Where are you are with your trading?
2. What instrument? What time frame? etc
3 Where are you trying to get to?
Write down a list of questions and ask for many examples. Make a lot of phone calls and send lots of emails. If you like what you hear, go. If you think he is pulling your leg, don't go. Since I don't know anything about you it is hard to answer your question, right?
Best wishes,

Trading is basically 3 things - an entry, a stop loss and a profit objective. Your entry is 3 parts - time, price and direction. Figure out where your issues are and see if he can answer your questions. I more or less said the same thing but maybe more directly.

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Re: The FOG - my take

Post by Rice » Mon Mar 09, 2020 2:27 am

Thanks for your prompt reply. I no longer monitor this board all that closely in view of the sparse activity. I didn't intend to pose a 'loaded' question, just to get an idea as to whether you thought the workshop was a reasonable value. A longtime W59 user paid a well known author (who recently published a new book) considerably more than 9k for one of her workshops and opined to me that it was not a good value (I'm being diplomatic). Another friend posted negative comments about a PUC presentation on this board and found himself the target of a lawsuit that was completely without merit, but a major headache to deal with even so. So I'm not trying to create any difficulty, especially since I haven't seen the non-disclosure agreement you had to sign, which, for all I know, enjoined you from negative comment of any kind. All that said, I gather that you are comfortable saying in public that you found the workshop useful. That's all I was asking. I've found selling premium based on random walk market movement to be profitable consistently and have become increasingly skeptical of methods based on directional predictions, but wouldn't mind a slight edge in that department, which could enhance the utility of premium selling strategies.

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Re: The FOG - my take

Post by rlite4 » Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:40 pm

NDscorpini wrote:
Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:58 pm
Hi All,
R.L Pool wrote a book where he theorized Ed was using astrological alignments to help him move the giant stones. The seemingly impossible can be done people you just can't quit!!!
possibly something related here (if you havn't already seen it):


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